(ZOS) IBM service call preparation
When we report a problem to IBM service, we will need to provide as much information as possible to help service personnel quickly resolve the problem.
The information we might need to send depends, in part, on the type of problem we have encountered, and includes the following items:
- Job logs for affected address spaces; for example, the controller and any servant regions that the controller terminated
- Job output for affected address spaces, particularly WebSphere Application Server for z/OS messages that are written to the JESMSGLG data set
- The system log (SYSLOG), another source of WAS for z/OS messages
- WAS for z/OS error log
- The system logrec data set or log stream
- CTRACE external writer data sets
- SVC dumps, CEEDUMPs, or other types of dumps produced because of the problem.
- The affected server's environment file, WAS.env, which is located in the HFS:
Additionally, IBM service might request you to:
- Provide a description of the circumstances or scenario under which the error occurs.
- Use the VERBEXIT BBORDATA subcommand.
- Reset WebSphere variables that are for use only when directed by IBM service.
- Set WebSphere variable values for the location service daemon address space (same as those for servers, with the prefix " DAEMON_" ).
Diagnose problems (using diagnosis tools)