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Application startup problems

Browse the log files of the application server for this application looking for clues.

Look up any error or warning messages in the message reference table by clicking the Reference view and expanding Messages. IBM recommends using the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure . If we do not see a problem that resembles ours, or if the information provided does not solve our problem, see IBM Support troubleshooting information.

  1. WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, application_name java.lang.NullPointerException when starting a migrated application
  2. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: classname Bean_AdderServiceHome_04f0e027Bean
  3. ConnectionFac E J2CA0102E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version 1.1 using The Relational Resource Adapter
  4. NMSV0605E: "A Reference object looked up from the context..." error when starting an application.
  5. parsing error when running an application that uses the JSF configuration
  6. A Page Not Found, Array Index Out of Bounds, or other error when an updated application restarts

WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, application_name java.lang.NullPointerException when starting a migrated application

After migrating an enterprise application to Version 8.0, the application might not start. Attempts to start the application result in an error such as WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, application_name java.lang.NullPointerException.

Examine the deployment.xml file of the migrated application, and remove targetMapping statements such as the following:

<targetMappings xmi:id="DeploymentTargetMapping_1279594183813" enable="true"/>"

Then, try starting the application again. The Version 8.0 runtime has an application validation process that might not support migrated targetMappings settings.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: classname Bean_AdderServiceHome_04f0e027Bean

An similar exception occurs when you try to start an undeployed application containing enterprise beans, or containing undeployed enterprise bean modules.

Enterprise JavaBeans modules created in an assembly tool intentionally have incomplete configuration information. Deploying these modules completes the configuration by reading the module's deployment descriptor and completing platform- or installation-dependent settings and adding related classes to the Enterprise JavaBeans JAR file.

To avoid this problem, do the following:

ConnectionFac E J2CA0102E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version 1.1 using The Relational Resource Adapter

This error occurs when an enterprise bean developed to the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 specification is deployed with a WAS V5 J2C-compliant data source, which is the default data source. By default, persistent enterprise beans created under WAS V4.0 using the Application Assembly Tool fulfill the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 specification. To run on WAS V6, these enterprise beans must be associated with a WAS V4.0-type data source.

Either modify the mapping in the application of enterprise beans to associate 1.x CMP beans to associate them with a V4.0 data source or delete the existing data source and create a V4.0 data source with the same name.

To modify the mapping in the application of enterprise beans, in the WAS administrative console, select the properties for the problem application and use Map resource references to resources or Map data sources for all 1.x CMP beans to switch the data source the enterprise bean uses. Save the configuration and restart the application.

To delete the existing data source and create a V4.0 data source with the same name:

  1. In the administrative console, click...

            Resources > Manage JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider_name > Data sources.

  2. Delete the data source associated with the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 module.

  3. Click Resources > Manage JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider_name > Data sources (Version 4) (deprecated).

  4. Create the data source for the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 module.

  5. Save the configuration and restart the application.

NMSV0605E: "A Reference object looked up from the context..." error when starting an application

If the full text of the error is similar to:

[7/17/02 15:20:52:093 CDT] 5ae5a5e2 UrlContextHel W NMSV0605E: 
   A Reference object looked up from the context
   "java": with the name "comp/PM/WebSphereCMPConnectionFactory" was sent to the JNDI Naming Manager
   and an exception resulted. Reference data follows:
   Reference Factory Class Name: com.ibm.ws.naming.util.IndirectJndiLookupObjectFactory
   Reference Factory Class Location URLs:
   Reference Class Name: java.lang.Object
   Type: JndiLookupInfo
   Content: JndiLookupInfo: ; jndiName="eis/jdbc/MyDatasource_CMP"; providerURL="";

then the problem might be that the data source intended to support a CMP enterprise bean is not correctly associated with the enterprise bean.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Select the Use this Data Source in container managed persistence (CMP) check box in the data source "General Properties" panel of the administrative console.

  2. Verify the JNDI name in either of the following ways:

    • Verify that the JNDI name given in the administrative console under Resources > Manage JDBC Providers > DataSource > JNDI Name for DataSource matches the JNDI name given for CMP or BMP resource bindings at the time of assembling the application in an assembly tool.
    • Check the JNDI name for CMP or BMP resource bindings specified in the code by J2EE application developer. Open the deployed .ear folder in an assembly tool, and look for the JNDI name for our entity beans under CMP or BMP resource bindings. Verify that the names match.


Parsing error when running an application that uses the JSF configuration

If we are using double-byte characters in the profile name, we receive a parsing error when running an application that uses the JavaServer Faces (JSF) configuration. The problem is related to the JSF configuration that is part of the jsf-ibm.jar, which is included when building JSF applications in Rational Application Developer. The configuration files are referencing entities from inside the main faces-config.xml file.

Avoid using double-byte characters when you create a profile.

A Page Not Found, Array Index Out of Bounds, or other error when an updated application restarts

If an application is updated while it is running, WAS automatically stops the application or only its changed components, updates the application logic, and restarts the stopped application or its components.

A Page Not Found, Array Index Out of Bounds, or other error might occur during restarting.

To minimize the occurrence of such errors, update applications in a test environment before updating the applications in a production environment. Do not put changes directly into a production environment.


  • Development and assembly tools
  • Troubleshoot deployment
  • View JVM logs
  • Uninstall enterprise applications using the console
  • Remove enterprise files
  • Assemble applications
  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications