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Publish WSDL files to ZIP file settings

Publish the WSDL files for this service to a .zip file

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Inbound Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish WSDL files to ZIP file.

Use the publish WSDL files property to export the template WSDL for this inbound service to a compressed file.

The exported file includes a version of the WSDL file with no ports (bindings) defined. This non-bound WSDL is intended for use by your colleagues preparing to deploy an inbound service. It gives you a convenient way of sharing information on the planned deployment details for the service among your team. When we finally deploy the inbound service, the associated WSDL must be complete (that is, it must include the binding information). For more information, see the topic "Non-bound WSDL" in the information center.

The non-bound WSDL file is always published in the exported compressed file for the inbound service, along with the bound WSDL file if the inbound service has any ports defined. The compressed file, named inbound_service_name.zip, therefore always contains the following files:

If the inbound service has one or more ports, then the compressed file additionally contains the following files:

If there is an error generating the WSDL then an error page is returned.