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Role-based policy framework properties

Although it is very unlikely that we will need to change these properties, use this file to reference supported properties within the role-based policy framework.

The role-based policy framework parameters are located in the Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) configuration file and in the authorization configuration file. They are set at the time of JACC provider configuration and authorization server configuration. The role-based policy framework settings for the authorization table and the JACC provider can be modified separately for each WebSphere Application Server instance. The amwas.node_server.authztable.properties configuration file is generated from the authorization table. The amwas.node_server.amjacc.properties configuration file is generated from the JACC provider. Both files are stored in the profile_root/etc/tam directory. It is very unlikely that we might need to change these properties. The properties are described here for reference.

The settings cannot be changed after configuration. Make changes in the template properties file before any configuration actions are performed. Properties that are changed after configuration will cause access decisions to fail.


This property is used to signify that a user is granted access to a role. This value is added to a Security Access Manager access control list (ACL) and places invoke access on roles for users and groups.


Set the ISAM action group that serves as a container for the action specified by the com.tivoli.pd.as.rbpf.AMAction property. The permission set in the com.tivoli.pd.as.rbpf.AMAction property goes into this action group.


This property is used to determine where roles are stored in the protected object space.


Location under the root location that is specified in the posroot property to separate other products in the protected object space. Embedded ISAM objects are found in the /WebAppServer/deployedResources directory. The default is deployedResources.


This property specifies the ISAM object space container name for the protected resources. The default location is the /WebAppServer/deployedResources/Resources directory.


This property specifies the ISAM protected object space container name for the security roles. The default location is the /WebAppServer/deployedResources/Roles directory.

  • Configure the JACC provider for ISAM
  • JACC provider configuration properties for ISAM