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FileRegistrySample.java file

This provides an example of the FileRegistrySample.java file.

The user and group information required by this sample is contained in the users.props file and groups.props filefiles.

The samples provided are intended to familiarize you with this feature. Do not use these samples in an actual production environment.

The contents of the FileRegistrySample.java file:

// 5639-D57, 5630-A36, 5630-A37, 5724-D18 
// (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2005
// All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

// This program may be used, run, copied, modified and distributed 
// without royalty for the purpose of developing, using, marketing, or 
// distributing.

// This sample is for the custom user registry feature in WAS.

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.*;

 *  The main purpose of this sample is to demonstrate the use of the
 *  custom user registry feature available in WAS. This 
 *  sample is a file-based registry sample where the users and the groups  
 *  information is listed in files (users.props and groups.props). As such 
 *  simplicity and not the performance was a major factor. This 
 *  sample should be used only to get familiarized with this feature. An 
 *  actual implementation of a realistic registry should consider various 
 *  factors like performance, scalability, thread safety, and so on.
public class FileRegistrySample implements UserRegistry {

   private static String USERFILENAME = null;        
   private static String GROUPFILENAME = null;

   /** Default Constructor **/
   public FileRegistrySample() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {

   * Initializes the registry. This method is called when creating the
   * registry.
   * @param     props - The registry-specific properties with which to
   *                    initialize the custom registry
   * @exception CustomRegistryException
   *                    if there is any registry-specific problem
  public void initialize(java.util.Properties props)
         throws CustomRegistryException {
      try {
         /* try getting the USERFILENAME and the GROUPFILENAME from 
          * properties passed in (For example, from the 
          * administrative console). Set these values in the administrative 
          * console. Go to the special custom settings in the custom 
          * user registry section of the Authentication panel.
          * For example: 
          * usersFile   c:/temp/users.props
          * groupsFile  c:/temp/groups.props
          if (props != null) {
             USERFILENAME = props.getProperty("usersFile");
             GROUPFILENAME = props.getProperty("groupsFile");

      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);

      if (USERFILENAME == null || GROUPFILENAME == null) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException("users/groups information missing");


   * Checks the password of the user. This method is called to authenticate
   * a user when the user's name and password are given.
   * @param  userSecurityName the name of user
   * @param  password the password of the user
   * @return a valid userSecurityName. Normally this is
   *         the name of same user whose password was checked 
   *         but if the implementation wants to return any other
   *         valid userSecurityName in the registry it can do so
   * @exception CheckPasswordFailedException if userSecurityName/
   *            password combination does not exist 
   *            in the registry
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   public String checkPassword(String userSecurityName, String passwd) 
      throws PasswordCheckFailedException,
             CustomRegistryException {
      String s,userName = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":",index+1);
               // Check if the userSecurityName:passwd combination exists
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(userSecurityName) && 
                       s.substring(index+1,index1).equals(passwd)) {
                  // Authentication successful, return the userID.
                  userName = userSecurityName;
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      if (userName == null) {
         throw new PasswordCheckFailedException("Password check failed for user:"  
         + userSecurityName);

      return userName;

   * Maps an X.509 format certificate to a valid user in the registry.
   * This is used to map the name in the certificate supplied by a browser
   * to a valid userSecurityName in the registry
   * @param     cert the X509 certificate chain
   * @return    The mapped name of the user userSecurityName
   * @exception CertificateMapNotSupportedException if the 
   *            particular certificate is not supported.
   * @exception CertificateMapFailedException if the mapping of 
   *            the certificate fails.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry
   *            -specific problem
   public String mapCertificate(X509Certificate[] cert)
      throws CertificateMapNotSupportedException,
             CustomRegistryException {
      String name=null;
      X509Certificate cert1 = cert[0];
      try {
         // map the SubjectDN in the certificate to a userID.
         name = cert1.getSubjectDN().getName();
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CertificateMapNotSupportedException(ex.getMessage(),ex);

      if(!isValidUser(name)) {
         throw new CertificateMapFailedException("user:"  + name 
         +  "is not valid");
      return name;

   * Return the realm of the registry.
   * @return the realm. The realm is a registry-specific string 
   * indicating the realm or domain for which this registry 
   * applies. For example, for OS/400 or AIX this would be 
   * the host name of the system whose user registry this 
   * object represents. If null is returned by this method,
   * realm defaults to the value of "customRealm". It is 
   * recommended that we use our own value for realm.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   * specific problem
   public String getRealm()
      throws CustomRegistryException {
      String name = "customRealm";
      return name;

   * Gets a list of users that match a pattern in the registry.
   * The maximum number of users returned is defined by the limit
   * argument.
   * This method is called by the administrative console and scripting 
   * (command line) to make the users in the registry available for 
   * adding them (users) to roles.
   * @param      pattern the pattern to match. (For example, a* will 
   *             match  all userSecurityNames starting with a)
   * @param      limit the maximum number of users that should be
   *             returned. This is very useful in situations where 
   *             there are thousands of users in the registry and 
   *             getting all of them at once is not practical. The 
   *             default is 100. A value of 0 implies get all the
   *             users and hence must be used with care.
   * @return     a Result object containing the list of users 
   *             requested and a flag to indicate if  more users
   *             exist.
   * @exception  CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *             specific problem
   public Result getUsers(String pattern, int limit)
      throws CustomRegistryException {
      String s;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      List allUsers = new ArrayList();
      Result result = new Result();
      int count = 0;
      int newLimit = limit+1;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               String user = s.substring(0,index);
               if (match(user,pattern)) {
                  if (limit !=0 && ++count == newLimit) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      return result;

   * Return the display name for the user specified by 
   *  userSecurityName.
   * This method may be called only when the user information
   * is displayed (information purposes only, for example, in 
   * the administrative console) and hence not used in the actual 
   * authentication or authorization purposes. If there are no 
   * display names in the registry return null or empty string.
   * In WAS 4.x custom registry, if you 
   * had a display name for the user and if it was different from the 
   * security name, the display name was returned for the EJB 
   * methods getCallerPrincipal() and the servlet methods
   * getUserPrincipal() and getRemoteUser().
   * In  v5.x and later, for the 
   * same methods, the security name will be returned by default. 
   * IBM recommends this way as the display name is not unique 
   * and might create security holes. However, for backward 
   * compatibility if we need the display name to be returned 
   * set the property WAS_UseDisplayName to true.
   *See the Information Center documentation for more information.
   * @param     userSecurityName the name of the user.
   * @return    the display name for the user. The display 
   *            name is a registry-specific string that 
   *            represents a descriptive, not necessarily 
   *            unique, name for a user. If a display name 
   *            does not exist return null or empty string.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if userSecurityName 
   *            does not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry- 
    *           specific problem
   public String getUserDisplayName(String userSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {

      String s,displayName = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;

      if(!isValidUser(userSecurityName)) {
         EntryNotFoundException nsee = new EntryNotFoundException("user:"  
         + userSecurityName +  "is not valid");
         throw nsee;

      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.lastIndexOf(":");
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(userSecurityName)) {
                  displayName = s.substring(index1+1);
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      } finally {

      return displayName;

   * Return the unique ID for a userSecurityName. This method is called 
   * when creating a credential for a user.
   * @param    userSecurityName - The name of the user.
   * @return   The unique ID of the user. The unique ID for a user 
   *           is the stringified form of some unique, registry-specific, 
   *           data that serves to represent the user. For example, for 
   *           the UNIX user registry, the unique ID for a user can be 
   *           the UID.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if userSecurityName does not 
   *            exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   public String getUniqueUserId(String userSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException, 
             EntryNotFoundException {

      String s,uniqueUsrId = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":", index+1);
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(userSecurityName)) {
                  int index2 = s.indexOf(":", index1+1);
                  uniqueUsrId = s.substring(index1+1,index2);
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      if (uniqueUsrId == null) {
         EntryNotFoundException nsee = 
         new EntryNotFoundException("Cannot obtain uniqueId for user:"  
         + userSecurityName);
         throw nsee;

      return uniqueUsrId;

   * Return the name for a user given its unique ID.
   * @param      uniqueUserId  - The unique ID of the user.
   * @return     The userSecurityName of the user.
   * @exception  EntryNotFoundException if the unique user ID does not exist.
   * @exception  CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-specific
   *             problem
   public String getUserSecurityName(String uniqueUserId)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s,usrSecName = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":", index+1);
               int index2 = s.indexOf(":", index1+1);
               if ((s.substring(index1+1,index2)).equals(uniqueUserId)) {
                  usrSecName = s.substring(0,index);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      } finally {

      if (usrSecName == null) {
         EntryNotFoundException ex =
            new EntryNotFoundException("Cannot obtain the 
            user securityName for"  + uniqueUserId);
         throw ex;

      return usrSecName;


   * Determines if the userSecurityName exists in the registry
   * @param     userSecurityName - The name of the user
   * @return    True if the user is valid; otherwise false
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote 
   *            interface 
   public boolean isValidUser(String userSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException {
      String s;
      boolean isValid = false;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(userSecurityName)) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
      } finally {

      return isValid;

   * Gets a list of groups that match a pattern in the registry
   * The maximum number of groups returned is defined by the 
   * limit argument. This method is called by administrative console
   * and scripting (command line) to make available the groups in  
   * the registry for adding them (groups) to roles.
   * @param       pattern the pattern to match. (For example, a* matches 
   *              all groupSecurityNames starting with a)
   * @param       Limits the maximum number of groups to return 
   *              This is very useful in situations where there 
   *              are thousands of groups in the registry and getting all 
   *              of them at once is not practical. The default is 100. 
   *              A value of 0 implies get all the groups and hence must 
   *              be used with care.
   * @return      A Result object containing the list of groups 
   *              requested and a flag to indicate if more groups exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-specific
   *              problem
   public Result getGroups(String pattern, int limit)
      throws CustomRegistryException {
      String s;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      List allGroups = new ArrayList();
      Result result = new Result();
      int count = 0;
      int newLimit = limit+1;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               String group = s.substring(0,index);
               if (match(group,pattern)) {
                  if (limit !=0 && ++count == newLimit) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {
      return result;

   * Return the display name for the group specified by groupSecurityName.
   * For this version of WAS, the only usage of  
   * this method is by the clients (administrative console and scripting)   
   * to present a descriptive name of the user if it exists.
   * @param groupSecurityName the name of the group.
   * @return  the display name for the group. The display name
   *          is a registry-specific string that represents a  
   *          descriptive, not necessarily unique, name for a group.  
   *          If a display name does not exist return null or empty 
   *          string.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if groupSecurityName does 
   *          not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *          specific problem
   public String getGroupDisplayName(String groupSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s,displayName = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;

      if(!isValidGroup(groupSecurityName)) {
         EntryNotFoundException nsee = new EntryNotFoundException("group:"  
         + groupSecurityName +  "is not valid");
         throw nsee;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.lastIndexOf(":");
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(groupSecurityName)) {
                  displayName = s.substring(index1+1);
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {
      return displayName;

   * Return the Unique ID for a group.

   * @param     groupSecurityName the name of the group.
   * @return    The unique ID of the group. The unique ID for
   *            a group is the stringified form of some unique,
   *            registry-specific, data that serves to represent
   *            the group. For example, for the UNIX user registry,
   *            the unique ID might be the GID.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if groupSecurityName does 
   *            not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   * @exception RemoteException as this extends java.rmi.Remote
   public String getUniqueGroupId(String groupSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s,uniqueGrpId = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":", index+1);
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(groupSecurityName)) {
                  uniqueGrpId = s.substring(index+1,index1);
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      if (uniqueGrpId == null) {
         EntryNotFoundException nsee = 
         new EntryNotFoundException("Cannot obtain the uniqueId for group:"  
         + groupSecurityName);
         throw nsee;
      return uniqueGrpId;

   * Return the Unique IDs for all the groups that contain the unique ID 
   * of a user. Called during creation of a user's credential.
   * @param     uniqueUserId the unique ID of the user.
   * @return    A list of all the group unique IDs that the unique user 
   *            ID belongs to. The unique ID for an entry is the 
   *            stringified form of some unique, registry-specific, data 
   *            that serves to represent the entry.  For example, for the
   *            UNIX user registry, the unique ID for a group might be 
   *            the GID and the Unique ID for the user might be the UID.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if uniqueUserId does not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-specific
   *            problem
   public List getUniqueGroupIds(String uniqueUserId)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s,uniqueGrpId = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      List uniqueGrpIds=new ArrayList();
      try {
         in = fileOpen(USERFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":", index+1);
               int index2 = s.indexOf(":", index1+1);
               if ((s.substring(index1+1,index2)).equals(uniqueUserId)) {
                  int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf(":");
                  String subs = s.substring(index2+1,lastIndex);
                  StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(subs, ",");
                  while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) 
      } catch(Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      return uniqueGrpIds;

   * Return the name for a group given its unique ID.
   * @param     uniqueGroupId the unique ID of the group.
   * @return    The name of the group.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if the uniqueGroupId does 
   *            not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   public String getGroupSecurityName(String uniqueGroupId)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s,grpSecName = null;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               int index1 = s.indexOf(":", index+1);
               if ((s.substring(index+1,index1)).equals(uniqueGroupId)) {
                  grpSecName = s.substring(0,index);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      if (grpSecName == null) {
         EntryNotFoundException ex = 
            new EntryNotFoundException("Cannot obtain the group 
           security name for:"  + uniqueGroupId);
         throw ex;

      return grpSecName;


   * Determines if the groupSecurityName exists in the registry
   * @param     groupSecurityName the name of the group
   * @return    True if the groups exists; otherwise false
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   public boolean isValidGroup(String groupSecurityName)
      throws CustomRegistryException {
      String s;
      boolean isValid = false;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(groupSecurityName)) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      return isValid;

   * Return the securityNames of all the groups that contain the user
   * This method is called by the administrative console and scripting 
   * (command line) to verify that the user entered for RunAsRole mapping  
   * belongs to that role in the roles to user mapping. Initially, the 
   * check is done to see  if the role contains the user. If the role does 
   * not contain the user explicitly, this method is called to get the groups 
   * that this user belongs to so that a check can be made on the groups that 
   * the role contains.
   * @param     userSecurityName the name of the user
   * @return    A list of all the group securityNames that the user
   *            belongs to.
   * @exception EntryNotFoundException if user does not exist.
   * @exception CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-
   *            specific problem
   * @exception RemoteException as this extends the java.rmi.Remote
   *            interface 
   public List getGroupsForUser(String userName)
      throws CustomRegistryException,
             EntryNotFoundException {
      String s;
      List grpsForUser = new ArrayList();
      BufferedReader in = null;
      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ":");
               for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
               String subs = st.nextToken();
               StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(subs, ",");
               while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                  if((st1.nextToken()).equals(userName)) {
                     int index = s.indexOf(":");
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         if (!isValidUser(userName)) {
            throw new EntryNotFoundException("user:"  + userName  
            +  "is not valid");
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      return grpsForUser;

   * Gets a list of users in a group.  
   * The maximum number of users returned is defined by the 
   * limit argument.
   * This method is being used by the WAS 
   * Enterprise process choreographer (Enterprise) when 
   * staff assignments are modeled using groups.
   * In rare situations, if we are working with a registry where  
   * getting all the users from any of our groups is not practical   
   * (for example if there are a large number of users) we can create
   * the NotImplementedException for that particular group. Make sure   
   * that if the process choreographer is installed (or if installed later) 
   * the staff assignments are not modeled using these particular groups.
   * If there is no concern about returning the users from groups 
   * in the registry IBM recommends that this method be implemented
   * without creating the NotImplemented exception.
   * @param         groupSecurityName the name of the group
   * @param         Limits the maximum number of users that should be 
   *                returned. This is very useful in situations where there 
   *                are lots of users in the registry and getting all of  
   *                them at once is not practical. A value of 0 implies   
   *                get all the users and hence must be used with care. 
   * @return        A Result object containing the list of users
   *                requested and a flag to indicate if more users exist.
   * @deprecated    This method will be deprecated in future.
   * @exception     NotImplementedException create this exception in rare 
   *                situations if it is not practical to get this information   
   *                for any of the group or groups from the registry.
   * @exception     EntryNotFoundException if the group does not exist in 
   *                the registry
   * @exception     CustomRegistryException if there is any registry-specific 
   *                problem
   public Result getUsersForGroup(String groupSecurityName, int limit)
      throws NotImplementedException,
             CustomRegistryException {
      String s, user;
      BufferedReader in = null;
      List usrsForGroup = new ArrayList();
      int count = 0;
      int newLimit = limit+1;
      Result result = new Result();

      try {
         in = fileOpen(GROUPFILENAME);
         while ((s=in.readLine())!=null)
            if (!(s.startsWith("#") || s.trim().length() <=0 )) {
               int index = s.indexOf(":");
               if ((s.substring(0,index)).equals(groupSecurityName))
                  StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ":");
                  for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
                  String subs = st.nextToken();
                  StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(subs, ",");
                  while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                     user = st1.nextToken();
                     if (limit !=0 && ++count == newLimit) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         if (!isValidGroup(groupSecurityName)) {
            throw new EntryNotFoundException("group:"  
            + groupSecurityName 
            +  "is not valid");
         throw new CustomRegistryException(ex.getMessage(),ex);
      } finally {

      return result;

   * This method is implemented internally by the WAS 
   * code in this release. This method is not called for the custom 
   * registry implementations for this release. Return null in the 
   * implementation.
   public com.ibm.websphere.security.cred.WSCredential 
         createCredential(String userSecurityName)
         throws CustomRegistryException,
                EntryNotFoundException {

      // This method is not called.
      return null;

   // private methods
   private BufferedReader fileOpen(String fileName)
      throws FileNotFoundException {
      try {
         return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
      } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
         throw e;

   private void fileClose(BufferedReader in) {
      try {
         if (in != null) in.close();
      } catch(Exception e) {
         System.out.println("Error closing file" + e);

   private boolean match(String name, String pattern) {
      RegExpSample regexp = new RegExpSample(pattern);
      boolean matches = false;
          matches = true;
      return matches;

// The program provides the Regular Expression implementation 
// Used in the sample for the custom user registry (FileRegistrySample). 
// The pattern matching in the sample uses this program to search for the 
// pattern (for users and groups).

class RegExpSample

    private boolean match(String s, int i, int j, int k)
        for(; k < expr.length; k++)
                Object obj = expr[k];
                if(obj == STAR)
                    if(++k >= expr.length)
                        return true;
                    if(expr[k] instanceof String)
                        String s1 = (String)expr[k++];
                        int l = s1.length();
                        for(; (i = s.indexOf(s1, i)) >= 0; i++)
                            if(match(s, i + l, j, k))
                                return true;

                        return false;
                    for(; i < j; i++)
                        if(match(s, i, j, k))
                            return true;

                    return false;
                if(obj == ANY)
                    if(++i > j)
                        return false;
                    break label0;
                if(obj instanceof char[][])
                    if(i >= j)
                        return false;
                    char c = s.charAt(i++);
                    char ac[][] = (char[][])obj;
                    if(ac[0] == NOT)
                        for(int j1 = 1; j1 < ac.length; j1++)
                            if(ac[j1][0] <= c && c <= ac[j1][1])
                                return false;

                        break label0;
                    for(int k1 = 0; k1 < ac.length; k1++)
                        if(ac[k1][0] <= c && c <= ac[k1][1])
                            break label0;

                    return false;
                if(obj instanceof String)
                    String s2 = (String)obj;
                    int i1 = s2.length();
                    if(!s.regionMatches(i, s2, 0, i1))
                        return false;
                    i += i1;

        return i == j;

    public boolean match(String s)
        return match(s, 0, s.length(), 0);

    public boolean match(String s, int i, int j)
        return match(s, i, j, 0);

    public RegExpSample(String s)
        Vector vector = new Vector();
        int i = s.length();
        StringBuffer stringbuffer = null;
        Object obj = null;
        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            char c = s.charAt(j);
            case 63: /* '?' */
                obj = ANY;

            case 42: /* '*' */
                obj = STAR;

            case 91: /* '[' */
                int k = ++j;
                Vector vector1 = new Vector();
                for(; j < i; j++)
                    c = s.charAt(j);
                    if(j == k && c == '^')
                    if(c == '\\')
                        if(j + 1 < i)
                            c = s.charAt(++j);
                    if(c == ']')
                    char c1 = c;
                    if(j + 2 < i && s.charAt(j + 1) == '-')
                        c1 = s.charAt(j += 2);
                    char ac1[] = {
                        c, c1

                char ac[][] = new char[vector1.size()][];
                obj = ac;

            case 92: /* '\\' */
                if(j + 1 < i)
                    c = s.charAt(++j);

            if(obj != null)
                if(stringbuffer != null)
                    stringbuffer = null;
                obj = null;
                if(stringbuffer == null)
                    stringbuffer = new StringBuffer();

        if(stringbuffer != null)
        expr = new Object[vector.size()];

    static final char NOT[] = new char[2];
    static final Integer ANY = new Integer(0);
    static final Integer STAR = new Integer(1);
    Object expr[];


  • Configure stand-alone custom registries
  • Servlet security methods