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(ZOS) CSIv2 authentication protocol client settings

This page documents the properties that are valid for the CSIv2 protocol only.


  • Security attribute propagation
  • Configure CSIv2 inbound and outbound communication settings


    This property is used for providing the name of the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF ) keyring used for SSL connections. Changes to this System Authorization Facility (SAF) keyring require changes to the sas.client.props file.

    For example, we might have to change the following properties:

    • com.ibm.ssl.keyStore=safkeyring:///WASKeyring
    • com.ibm.ssl.trustStore=safkeyring:///WASKeyring

    Information Value
    Data type: String
    Default: None
    Range: None


    User ID when a properties login is configured and message layer authentication occurs. This property is only valid when com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource=properties. Also, set the com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword property.

    Information Value
    Data type: String
    Range: Any string that is appropriate for a user ID in the configured user registry of the server.


    Use to specify the password when a properties login is configured and message layer authentication occurs. This property is only valid when com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource=properties. Also, set the com.ibm.CORBA.loginUserid property.

    Information Value
    Data type: String
    Range: Any string that is appropriate for a password in the configured user registry of the server.