EJB query: BNF syntax
The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is one of the most commonly used notations for specifying the syntax of programming languages or command sets. This article lists the syntax for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) query language.
EJB QL ::= [select_clause] from_clause [where_clause] [order_by_clause] DYNAMIC EJB QL := query_expression [order_by_clause] query_expression := query_term [UNION [ALL] query_term]* query_term := {select_clause_dynamic from_clause [where_clause] [group_by_clause] [having_clause] } | (query_expression) } [order_by_clause] from_clause::=FROM identification_variable_declaration [, {identification_variable_declaration | collection_member_declaration } ]* identification_variable_declaration::=collection_member_declaration | range_variable_declaration [join]* join := [ { LEFT [OUTER] | INNER }] JOIN {collection_valued_path_expression | single_valued_path_expression} [AS] identifier collection_member_declaration::= IN ( collection_valued_path_expression ) [AS] identifier range_variable_declaration::=abstract_schema_name [AS] identifier single_valued_path_expression ::= {single_valued_navigation | identification_variable}. ( cmp_field | method | cmp_field.value_object_attribute | cmp_field.value_object_method ) | single_valued_navigation single_valued_navigation::= identification_variable.[ single_valued_cmr_field. ]* single_valued_cmr_field collection_valued_path_expression ::= identification_variable.[ single_valued_cmr_field. ]* collection_valued_cmr_field select_clause::= SELECT { ALL | DISTINCT } {single_valued_path_expression | identification_variable | OBJECT ( identification_variable) | aggregate_functions } select_clause_dynamic ::= SELECT { ALL | DISTINCT } [ selection, ]* selection selection ::= { expression | subselect } [[AS] id ] order_by_clause::= ORDER BY [ {single_valued_path_expression | integer} [ASC|DESC],]* {single_valued_path_expression | integer}[ASC|DESC] where_clause::= WHERE conditional_expression conditional_expression ::= conditional_term | conditional_expression OR conditional_term conditional_term ::= conditional_factor | conditional_term AND conditional_factor conditional_factor ::= [NOT] conditional_primary conditional_primary::=simple_cond_expression | (conditional_expression) simple_cond_expression ::= comparison_expression | between_expression | like_expression | in_expression | null_comparison_expression | empty_collection_comparison_expression | quantified_expression | exists_expression | is_of_type_expression | collection_member_expression between_expression ::= expression [NOT] BETWEEN expression AND expression in_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression [NOT] IN { (subselect) | ( [ atom,]* atom ) } atom = { string-literal | numeric-constant | input-parameter } like_expression ::= expression [NOT] LIKE {string_literal | input_parameter} [ESCAPE {string_literal | input_parameter}] null_comparison_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression IS [ NOT ] NULL empty_collection_comparison_expression ::= collection_valued_path_expression IS [NOT] EMPTY collection_member_expression ::= { single_valued_path_expression | input_paramter } [ NOT ] MEMBER [ OF ] collection_valued_path_expression quantified_expression ::= expression comparison_operator {SOME | ANY | ALL} (subselect) exists_expression ::= EXISTS {collection_valued_path_expression | (subselect)} subselect ::= SELECT [{ ALL | DISTINCT }] expression from_clause [where_clause] [group_by_clause] [having_clause] group_by_clause::= GROUP BY [single_valued_path_expression,]* single_valued_path_expression having_clause ::= HAVING conditional_expression is_of_type_expression ::= identifier IS OF TYPE ([[ONLY] abstract_schema_name,]* [ONLY] abstract_schema_name) comparison_expression ::= expression comparison_operator { expression | ( subquery ) } comparison_operator ::= = | > | >= | < | <= | <> method ::= method_name( [[expression, ]* expression ] ) expression ::= term | expression {+|-} term term ::= factor | term {*|/} factor factor ::= {+|-} primary primary ::= single_valued_path_expression | literal | ( expression ) | input_parameter | functions | aggregate_functions aggregate_functions := AVG([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) | COUNT({[ALL|DISTINCT] expression | * | identification_variable }) | MAX([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) | MIN([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) | SUM([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) | functions ::= ABS(expression) | BIGINT(expression) | CHAR({expression [,{ISO|USA|EUR|JIS}] ) | CONCAT (expression, expression ) | DATE(expression) | DAY({expression ) | DAYS( expression) | DECIMAL( expression [,integer[,integer]]) DIGITS( expression) | DOUBLE( expression ) | FLOAT( expression) | HOUR ( expression ) | INTEGER( expression ) | LCASE ( expression) | LENGTH(expression) | LOCATE( expression, expression [, expression] ) | MICROSECOND( expression ) | MINUTE ( expression ) | MOD ( expression, expression ) | MONTH( expression ) | REAL( expression) | SECOND( expression ) | SMALLINT( expression ) | SQRT ( expression) | SUBSTRING( expression, expression[, expression]) | TIME( expression ) | TIMESTAMP( expression ) | UCASE ( expression) | YEAR( expression ) xrel := XREL identification_variable . { single_valued_cmr_field | collection_valued_cmr_field } [, identification_variable . { single_valued_cmr_field | collection_valued_cmr_field } ]*
EJB Query Restrictions and Exceptions
EJB-QL Limitation with CMP Inheritance and FROM Clause Joins Usage
The EJB-QL parser has been found to improperly generate SQL with queries that match the following cumulative criteria:
- The EJB-QL query contains a join in the FROM clause (For example, FROM Entity a, IN (a.b.c.d) dGroup).
- The EJB-QL query contains a predicate that navigates across an inner path element also associated with the FROM clause join (For example, WHERE a.b.g.id = :?1).
- One or more of the non-leaf path entities in the FROM join utilize entity type inheritance (For example, b extends b_super).
- The entity addressed by the common path element in the predicate also utilizes entity type inheritance (For example, g extends g_super).
The EJB Query processor will emit a WQRY1113E warning, which can indicate that this scenario has been encountered.
EJB query language Use EJB query