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HTTP session security support

If Security integration is enabled, after creating a session as an authenticated user, from that point forward we cannot mix secured and unsecured resources. Only authenticated users can access sessions created in secured pages under the identity of the authenticated user. These sessions cannot be accessed from an unsecured page. WAS maintains the security of individual sessions.

  1. An identity or user name, readable by the interface...


    ...is associated with a session. Unauthenticated identities are denoted by the user name anonymous.

  2. The class...


    ...is used when a session is requested without the necessary credentials.

  3. The session management facility determines the authenticated identity associated with a client HTTP request. Identity can be asserted using certificates, LTPA, and other methods.

  4. The facility compares the identity of the request with the identity of the session.


1 A com.ibm.websphere.servlet.session.UnauthorizedSessionRequestException error is created to the servlet.


  • Session management support
  • Task overview: Managing HTTP sessions