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Proxy counters

Use this page as a reference for properties of proxy counters.

Use the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data to monitor the behavior and performance of the proxy service.

Counter definitions

Name Key Description Granularity Type Level Overhead ID
OutboundConnection Count OutboundConnection Count The total number of outbound connections since server start. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 2
ActiveOutbound ConnectionCount ActiveOutbound ConnectionCount The total concurrent outbound connection count at a specific time Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 4
RequestCount RequestCount The total number of requests processed by the proxy server since server start. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 10
FailedRequestCount FailedRequestCount The number of failed requests due to an internal error. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended Low 11
ProxiedRequestCount ProxiedRequestCount The number of requests forwarded to back-end application servers or web servers. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended Low 12
LocalRequestCount LocalRequestCount The number of requests served locally from the proxy. Includes cache hits and failed requests due to internal error. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended Low 13
ResponseTime(TTLB) ResponseTime(TTLB) Proxy Server response time. The number of milliseconds that have passed before the last byte of the response was sent back to client. Per request TimeStatistic Extended Medium 20
ServerResponseTime ServerResponseTime Target server response time, The number of milliseconds that have passed before proxy received the first byte from target servers. Per request CountStatistic Extended Medium 21
CacheHitCount Validated CacheHitCount Validated The total cache hit count revalidated with target servers. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 31
CacheHitCount Unvalidated CacheHitCount Unvalidated The total cache hit count processed locally. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 32
CacheMissCount CacheMissCount The total cache miss count. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 33
CacheEsiInvalidate Count CacheEsiInvalidate Count The total ESI cache invalidate count. Per proxy server CountStatistic Basic Low 34
CacheEsiEdge CacheableCount CacheEsiEdge CacheableCount The number of responses that are ESI edge cacheable. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended Low 35
CacheEsiEdge CachedCount CacheEsiEdge CachedCount The number of ESI edge cacheable responses that are really cached in the proxy server Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended Low 36
ActiveService ContextCount ActiveService ContextCount The number of active service contexts in the proxy at a given time. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended High 41
SuspendedService ContextCount SuspendedService ContextCount The number of suspended service context in the proxy at a given time. Per proxy server CountStatistic Extended High 42

  • Monitor overall system health
  • Monitor the proxy server with PMI
  • PMI data organization