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Add a transport to the list of permitted transports [Settings]

Add a transport to the list of permitted transports.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> security_value -> [Additional Properties] Permitted transports -> member_name.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.

General Properties

Transport chain name

Select the transport name from the list of chain names.

We can manage inbound chains through the administrative console by selecting either Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server -> [Server messaging] Messaging engine inbound transports or Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server -> [Server messaging] IBM MQ link inbound transports. We can also use these administrative console panels to define new transport chains from a set of templates.

The outbound chains an application server uses for bootstrap operations are defined when the server is defined. They can be altered, or new bootstrap chains can be defined, using the wsadmin tool.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list


This transport chain allows communication through the TCP protocol. The default port used by this chain for the first server on the node is 7276. We should verify that the selected port is not already used, for example if we are configuring a second server with the same name as the first server. Messaging engines hosted in other application servers and JMS applications running in a client container can communicate with the messaging engines of the server using this transport chain.


This transport chain provides secure communication using the secure sockets layer (SSL) based encryption protocol over a TCP network. The default port used by this chain for the first server on the node is 7286. We should verify that the selected port is not already used, for example if we are configuring a second server with the same name as the first server. The SSL configuration information for this chain is based on the default SSL repertoire for the application server. essaging engines hosted in other application servers and JMS applications running in the client container can communicate using this transport chain.


This transport chain supports IBM MQ queue manager sender channels and applications using the IBM MQ JMS provider connecting over a TCP network. The default port used by this chain is 5558, although this can be automatically adjusted to avoid conflicts.


This transport chain enables IBM MQ queue manager sender channels and applications using the IBM MQ JMS provider to establish SSL based encrypted connections over a TCP network. The default port used by this chain is 5578, although this is automatically adjusted to avoid conflicts.
Range (continued)


This transport chain is used to establish bootstrap connections to inbound chains configured for TCP-only connections to an application server, such as the InboundBasicMessaging chain.


This transport chain is used to establish secure connections using secure sockets layer (SSL) based encryption. The SSL configuration used is taken from the default SSL repertoire when used in an application server environment or from a configuration file when used by the client container. This chain can be used for establishing bootstrap connections to inbound chains configured to use SSL, for example, the InboundSecureMessaging chain. Success in establishing such a connection depends on a compatible set of SSL credentials being associated with both this bootstrap outbound chain and also with the inbound chain to which the connection is being made.


This transport chain is used to establish bootstrapping connections that are tunneled through HTTP. This transport chain tunnels JFAP and uses HTTP wrappers. Before we can use this bootstrap transport chain, define a corresponding server transport chain on the bootstrap server. (See Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server -> [Server messaging] Messaging engine inbound transports.)


This transport chain tunnels JFAP and uses HTTP wrappers. Used to establish bootstrapping connections that are tunneled through secure HTTP (HTTPS). Like the BootstrapSecureMessaging outbound chain, this chain also derives its SSL configuration from the default SSL repertoire when used in an application server or from a configuration file when used in the client container.
Range (continued)


This transport chain is used to establish connections with IBM MQ queue manager receiver channels. Used when communicating with IBM MQ through an IBM MQ link.


This transport chain is used to establish connections with IBM MQ queue manager receiver channels that have been secured using SSL. Used when communicating with IBM MQ through a IBM MQ link. The SSL configuration used is taken from the default SSL repertoire for the application server being used to contact the queue manager.


This transport chain is used when communicating with IBM MQ receiver channels. Used when communicating with IBM MQ through a IBM MQ server.


This transport chain is used when communicating with IBM MQ receiver channels that have been secured using SSL. Used when communicating with IBM MQ through an IBM MQ server.


  • Message security in a service integration bus
  • Inbound transport options
  • Configure a transport policy for a bus
  • List permitted transports for a bus
  • Add a permitted transport to a bus
  • Removing a permitted transport from a bus