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Mediation points [Settings]

Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Remote message points] IBM MQ Mediation Execution points -> mediation_name .

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.

General Properties


The system-generated name by which this message point is known.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String


The universal unique identifier assigned by the system to this message point for administrative purposes.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Initial state

Whether the mediation point is started or stopped when the hosting messaging engine is first started. Until started, the mediation point is unavailable.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list


When the associated messaging engine is started, the mediation is started and is available to process messages.


When the associated messaging engine is started, the mediation is stopped and is not available to process messages.

Runtime tab

The Runtime tab shows runtime properties for this object. These properties directly affect the current runtime environment, but are not preserved when that environment is stopped. To preserve runtime property values, change the equivalent property values on the Configuration tab.

General Properties


The system-generated name by which this message point is known.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Run-time ID

The internal runtime identifier assigned to this message point.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String


The runtime status of the mediation point.

Information Value
Required No
Data type drop-down list


The mediation is waiting to start. This might be because the application server is not yet open for e-business, or because a previous instance of the mediation has not yet been deleted.


The mediation is started and is available to process messages.


The mediation is in the process of stopping.


The mediation is stopped. The reason why the mediation is stopped is shown in the Reason attribute.


The mediation is in the process of being deleted.

  • Mediating a destination using an IBM MQ queue as the mediation point