Change from HPEL to basic mode logging and tracing
To use the dmgr console to switch to basic mode.Troubleshooting | Logs and trace | server | Change log and trace mode | Switch back to basic mode
To use wsadmin scripting to switch to basic mode...
### Get a reference to the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging configuration object.
HPELService = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging:/")
### Set the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging enable attribute to false.
AdminConfig.modify(HPELService, "[[enable false]]")
### Get a reference to the RASLoggingService object.
RASLogging = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/RASLoggingService:/")
### Set the RASLoggingService enable attribute to true.
AdminConfig.modify(RASLogging, "[[enable true]]")
### Save the configuration.
Basic mode and HPEL mode
Start the wsadmin scripting client using