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Global directives

Configure the global directives for our web server.

From the admin console, click...

        Servers > Server Types > Web Servers > web_server > Global directives.

Security enabled

Specifies if security is enabled in the web server.

Key store certificate alias

If the Security enabled box is checked, specify the key store certificate alias.

Server name

Hostname that the web server uses to identify itself.

Listen ports

Port on which the web server will listen for requests.

Document root

The directory where the web server will serve files.

Key store name

Name we have assigned to your keystore. A button is also provided to Manage keys and certificates.

Target key store directory and file name

Target directory and file name of our keystore on the machine where the web server is installed. A button is also provided to Copy to web server key store directory.

SSL v2 timeout

The SSL v2 timeout.

SSL Version 3 timeout

The SSL Version 3 timeout.

  • Implement a web server plug-in
  • Web server collection
  • Web server configuration
  • Web server custom properties
  • Remote web server management
  • Web server configuration file
  • Web server virtual hosts collection