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(Dist) Considerations for large topologies

WebSphere Application Server cells larger than 50 WebSphere JVMs, application servers, node agents, deployment managers, or proxy servers must take the following factors into consideration as part of the planning and deployment process.

Core group scalability is improved by setting the following custom properties:

Setting these properties enables WAS protocol implementations, which improve scalability and administrative usability, not only in environments larger than 50 members, but also in smaller environments.

Additional information and options for deploying and managing large WAS cells is detailed in Best Practices for Large WebSphere Topologies, which are applicable to all currently supported versions of WAS.

Starting in WAS - Network Deployment V8.5.5 the following Intelligent Management functions are enabled by default: Routing Rules, Dynamic Load-balancing, Health Management, Application Editions, and Dynamic Clustering. These Intelligent Management functions require more memory and CPU usage, depending on the number of JVMs and nodes in the cell. If we do not want to use the Intelligent Management function, or do not want to incur any increased memory requirements or CPU utilization, we can set the LargeTopologyOptimization custom property to false. Setting this custom property reduces the overall cell memory and CPU utilization. See, Cell custom properties.

To learn more about Intelligent Management and the benefits it can provide in the environment and operations see the following: