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UDDI registry user entitlements

UDDI registry user entitlements define the set of publish-related actions that registered UDDI users are entitled to perform.

An important entitlement is the number of entities of each type that a UDDI user can publish. You control this entitlement by assigning the user to a UDDI publisher tier. We can define any number of tiers to the UDDI registry, and some predefined tiers are supplied when the UDDI registry is deployed. A UDDI publisher tier specifies the maximum number of each entity (business, service, binding, tModel, and publisher assertion) that a user assigned to that tier can publish. To define UDDI publisher tiers, we use the UDDI Tier settings.

Other entitlements relate to the entitlement of a user to allocate key spaces, where they can specify publisher assigned keys when publishing UDDI entities. A key space is allocated by publishing a keyGenerator tModel, and there are a number of entitlements relating to different kinds of key generator in the UDDI Publisher settings. For more information about key generators and publisher assigned keys, see UDDI registry Version 3 entity keys.

We can set the entitlements for a UDDI user using the UDDI node collection page in the administrative console, or through Java Management Extensions (JMX) using the UDDI registry administrative interface.


  • UDDI registry Version 3 entity keys
  • UDDI registry administrative (JMX) interface
  • UDDI Tier settings
  • UDDI Publisher settings
  • UDDI node collection