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Web container properties

Learn about system properties, custom properties, and application properties for the web container.

Web container system property

We can change the value of the javax.servlet.context.tempdir servlet context attribute to be relative to a different directory by setting the com.ibm.websphere.servlet.temp.dir system property. This system property affects all applications on a server-wide basis. For example, if we set com.ibm.websphere.servlet.temp.dir to /foo, the application temp directory is /foo/node1/server1/fragmentTest/fragmentTest24.war. To change the value at an application level, use the scratchdir JSP attribute. View JSP engine configuration parameters for more information about the scratchdir attribute.

Web container custom property

Custom properties are specific to a server. Set a web container custom property in the administrative console. See Web container custom properties topic for instructions on setting custom properties for web container and to see a list of available web container custom properties.

Web container application property

Application properties are specific to an application. We define application properties in the application deployment descriptor. Enable a Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application to configure asynchronous servlet using a servlet or filter initial parameter. An example of a web.xml definition of a servlet or filter follows:



  • Configure JSP engine parameters
  • Web container custom properties