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Link transmitters [Collection]

A link can have multiple link transmitters. For applications that use point-to-point messaging, there is one link transmitter on each messaging engine in the source bus. For applications that use publish/subscribe messaging, there is one link transmitter for each topic space in the source bus. The link transmitter acts as a transmission queue where produced messages are persisted before transmission across the service integration bus link or IBM MQ link to the foreign bus.

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To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, then use the buttons provided.

To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.

Messaging engine

The name of the messaging engine that hosts the link transmitter.


The message domain type of this link transmitter, that is, point-to-point or publish/subscribe.

Topic space

For a publish/subscribe link transmitter, the topic space to which this link transmitter is transmitting messages across the link. This field does not apply to point-to-point link transmitters.


The status of the link transmitter. Green (running), Amber (running but a problem exists), Red (stopped).

Current outbound messages

The number of currently queued messages that are to be transmitted.

Messages sent

The number of messages sent from this link transmitter since the messaging engine started.

Time since last message sent

The time since the last message was transmitted over the link or the messaging engine was started.


Button Description
Delete all messages Delete all available messages that are queued for the selected link transmitters.
Move all messages Move all available messages that are queued for the selected link transmitters to the messaging engine exception destination that is local to the link transmitter.