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Time stamp

A time stamp is the value of an object that indicates the system time at some critical point in the history of the object.

A time stamp is included in a message to reduce the vulnerability of an application to replay attacks. In web services, a replay attack occurs when an HTTP request is intercepted and the content is resent to the provider in its original form.

When we include a time stamp in a message, we must protect its integrity using transport security, such as secure sockets layer (SSL) or message-level security, such as XML digital signature. If we do not protect the integrity of the time stamp, it is possible to capture the message and retransmit the content with a different time stamp, message expiration date, or both.

For both the JAX-RPC and JAX-WS WS-Security run times, 5 minutes is the default message expiration time used for the receiver if a value is not specified in the message. If a different expiration is required for a specific client or we are unsure of the target service default value, configure a message expiration time value for the outbound time stamp.

The JAX-WS WS-Security runtime complies with the OASIS WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 specification Timestamp Required requirement. To configure an application to not require an inbound time stamp when an outbound time stamp is configured we can add the com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.consumer.timestampRequired custom property as either an inbound or an inbound/outbound web services security custom property.

The JAX-WS runtime always puts the timestamp first, but the JAX-RPC runtime does not. If we are using the JAX-RPC WS-Security 1.0 runtime, and want to emit the Timestamp first in the Security header, we must:

These properties are set as properties on the Timestamp generator in the Web services deployment descriptor extension. Because it is in the extension, it can only be edited with an Assembly Tool.


  • Web Services Security enhancements
  • Configure the WS-Security policy
  • Message expiration settings
  • Default bindings and runtime properties for Web Services Security
  • Web Services Security property configuration settings