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Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) is the next generation web services programming model complimenting the foundation provided by the JAX-RPC programming model. Using JAX-WS, development of web services and clients is simplified with more platform independence for Java applications by the use of dynamic proxies and Java annotations.

JAX-WS is a programming model that simplifies application development through support of a standard, annotation-based model to develop web service applications and clients. The JAX-WS technology strategically aligns itself with the current industry trend towards a more document-centric messaging model and replaces the remote procedure call programming model as defined by JAX-RPC. While JAX-RPC and applications are still supported by this product, JAX-RPC has limitations and does not support various complex document-centric services. JAX-WS is the strategic programming model for developing web services and is a required part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6). JAX-WS is also known as JSR 224.

The JAX-WS 2.2 specification supersedes and includes functions within the JAX-WS 2.1 specification. JAX-WS 2.2 adds client-side support for using WebServiceFeature-related annotations such as @MTOM, @Addressing, and the @RespectBinding annotations. JAX-WS 2.1 had previously added support for these annotations on the server. There is also now the ability to enable and configure WS-Addressing support on a client or service by adding WS-Policy assertions into the WSDL document. In addition, the Web Services for Java EE 1.3 specification introduces support for these WebServiceFeature-related annotations, as well as support for using deployment descriptor elements to configure these features on both the client and server. JAX-WS 2.2 requires Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) v2.2 for data binding.

The implementation of the JAX-WS programming standard provides the following enhancements for developing web services and clients:



  • JAXB
  • Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
  • Web Services for Java EE specification
  • Enable MTOM for JAX-WS web services
  • Enforcing adherence to WSDL bindings in JAX-WS web services
  • Enable Web Services Addressing support for JAX-WS applications using addressing features
  • Example: Installing a web services sample with the console
  • wsimport command for JAX-WS applications
  • wsgen command for JAX-WS applications
  • Web services specifications and APIs
  • Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) API documentation
  • Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) API User's Guide documentation
  • A Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language (JSR 175)
  • Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform (JSR 181)