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General sample bindings for JAX-WS applications

Use sample bindings with the administrative console for testing purposes. The configurations specified are reflected on the cell or server level.

WebSphere Application Server v7.0 and later includes provider and client sample bindings for testing purposes. In the bindings, WAS v9 provides sample values for supporting tokens for different token types, such as the X.509 token, the username token, the LTPA token, and the Kerberos token. The bindings also include sample values for message protection information for token types such as X.509 and secure conversation. Both provider and client sample bindings can be applied to the applications attached with a system policy set, or application policy set, from the default local repository.

This information describes the general sample bindings for the JAX-WS programming model. We can develop web services using JAX-RPC, or for WAS v7.0 and later, using JAX-WS. Sample general bindings may differ depending on which programming model we use. The following sections, describing various general sample bindings, are provided:

IBM WAS supports JAX-WS and JAX-RPC. Using the strategic JAX-WS programming model, development of web services and clients is simplified through support of a standards-based annotations model. Although JAX-RPC and applications are still supported, take advantage of the easy-to-implement JAX-WS programming model to develop new web services applications and clients.best-practices

Do not use these provider and client sample bindings in their default state in a production environment. We must modify the bindings to meet our security needs before using them in a production environment by making a copy of the bindings and then modifying the copy. For example, change the key and keystore settings to ensure security, and modify the binding settings to match the environment.

After making a copy of the provider or client sample bindings, only customize the settings of our new copy to suit your purposes. Do not remove anything from the client sample binding, such as token generators, token consumers, sign parts, or encrypt parts.

One set of general default bindings is shared by the applications to make application deployment easier. We can specify default bindings for our service provider or client used at the global security (cell) level, for a security domain, or for a particular server. The default bindings are used in the absence of an overriding binding specified at a lower scope. The order of precedence from lowest to highest that the application server uses to determine which default bindings to use is as follows:

  1. Server level default
  2. Security domain level default
  3. Global security (cell) default

General client sample bindings

Client sample bindings V2

Two new general sample bindings, Client sample V2, and Provider sample V2, have been added to the product. While many of the configurations are the same as previous versions of the client sample and provider sample bindings, there are several additional, new sample configurations. To use these new bindings, create a new profile after installing the product. For more information, read the topic Configuring Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings.

General provider sample bindings

Provider sample bindings V2

Two new general sample bindings, Client sample V2, and Provider sample V2, have been added to the product. While many of the configurations are the same as previous versions of the client sample and provider sample bindings, there are several additional, new sample configurations. To use these new bindings, create a new profile after installing the product. For more information, read the topic Configuring Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings.

  • Configure Kerberos policy sets and V2 general sample bindings