Unknown users and groups [Collection]
The users and groups displayed here are not defined in the user registry, but do have roles defined. This could be because they were removed from the user repository after the role assignments were made.
To view this page in the console, click the following path:
Service integration -> Buses -> security_value -> [Authorization Policy] Manage users and groups not known to the user repository
To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.
To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, then use the buttons provided.
To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.
In the path, security_value is either Enabled if messaging security is enabled, or Disabled if messaging security is not enabled.
This pane displays a list of user and group names that were previously created in the user repository, and granted access roles to selected resources, but the user and group names have since been removed from the user repository. Use this pane to remove the role type assignments from one or more users and groups that no longer exist in the user repository:
- To work with a single unknown user or group name, click the user or group name.
- To work with more than one unknown user or group name, select the check box in the Select column for each unknown user or group name, and click Remove roles.
- Name
- The name of a user that has an access role definition, but is not defined in the user registry.
- Type
- Whether the user is a user, a group, or a group member.
Button Description Remove roles Click to remove access roles from the selected user or group.