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(ZOS) System Authorization Facility user registries

System Authorization Facility (SAF) user registries are used for several purposes in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS .

SAF-based user registries are used to:

Refer to Select a registry or repository for more information

Use a local operating system or non-local operating system registry implementation, the WAS for z/OS authentication mechanism can use SAF interfaces. SAF interfaces are defined by MVS™ to enable applications to use system authorization services or user registries to control access to resources such as data sets and MVS commands. SAF either processes security authorization requests directly or works with RACF, or other security products, to process the requests. Note that a local operating system SAF user registry is not a centralized registry like LDAP, but it is a centralized registry within a sysplex.

When a non-local operating system registry is used, WAS for z/OS uses the non-local operating system registry for authentication but still uses the SAF interface to control access to system resources.

With WAS for z/OS, SAF user registries provide digital certificate to user ID mappings using the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) RACDCERT command. For more information about the RACDCERT command, see the z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference for our z/OS version in the z/OS Internet Library.

WAS for z/OS localOS User Registry (SAF User Registry) implementation sets the registry realm name from the SAFDFLT profile in the REALM class when the SAFDFLT profile is defined, whether the REALM class is active or inactive. The realm name is specified as the APPLDATA property of the SAFDFLT profile. If the realm name cannot be obtained from the OS security product (such as RACF), the value specified for the protocol_iiop_daemon_listenIPAddress property is used as the realm name. For example, the value of protocol_iiop_daemon_listenIPAddress is used if the SAFDFLT profile or APPLDATA property is not defined.

Because of PE APAR, PM76462, in v8.5.5.1, WebSphere for z/OS localOS User Registry (SAF User Registry) implementation described in the preceding paragraph only occurs when the REALM class is active. This implementation error was corrected in v8.5.5.2.

Before any realm name changes take effect, the entire cell, including the Daemon Address Space, must be recycled. There is a UNIX System Services restriction, however. If we list user and group information, only those users with an OMVS segment (where the user and group information is stored) are shown. Refer to Summary of controls for more information.

If we list the groups or users in the user registry for a specific security realm, resource name, or domain name, ensure that we add an OMVS segment (where the user and group information is stored) to any group or user to use with WAS. In addition, the default group for that user must have an OMVS segment to list that user in the administrative console. Refer to.

The default and only implementation for a local operating system registry is SAF.

Refer to Select a registry or repository for general information about selecting user registries.



  • Authorization technology
  • (ZOS) System Authorization Facility considerations for the operating system and application levels