OAuth command group for the AdminTask object
We can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure OAuth with the wsadmin tool. The commands and parameters in the OAuth group can be used to configure the OAuth Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) and to manage the OAuth provider configuration.
The OAuth command group commands:
The enableOAuthTAI command adds the OAuth TAI to the security configuration of the WebSphere Application Server.
- enableOAuthTAI
- createOAuthProvider
- deleteOAuthProvider
Information Value Required parameters None Optional parameters None The createOAuthProvider command creates an OAuth provider in the security configuration of the WebSphere Application Server.
- Jacl: $AdminTask enableOAuthTAI
- Jython: AdminTask.enableOAuthTAI()
Information Value Required parameters -providerName The name of the OAuth provider. (String, required)
The name of the provider configuration file to use for this provider. The file specified by this parameter must exist. (String, required)
Optional parameters None The deleteOAuthProvider command deletes the OAuth provider from the security configuration of the WebSphere Application Server.
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createOAuthProvider {-providerName OAuthProvider1 -fileName c:/WebSphere/properties/OAuthConfigSample.xml}
- Jython:
AdminTask.createOAuthProvider('[-providerName OAuthProvider1 -fileName c:/WebSphere/properties/OAuthConfigSample.xml]')
Information Value Required parameters -providerName The name of the OAuth provider. (String, required)
Optional parameters None
- Jacl: $AdminTask deleteOAuthProvider {-providerName OAuthProvider1}
- Jython: AdminTask.deleteOAuthProvider('-providerName OAuthProvider1')