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Working with the administrative agent

An administrative agent process is managed in the same manner as an application server process. The process name is adminagent.

Start and stop the administrative agent

To view the status of the administrative agent process:

To start an administrative agent...

To stop an administrative agent...

Administrative agent configuration settings

To view the administrative manager from the dmgr console, click...

You have two pages available, the Runtime tab and the Configuration tab.

Administrative agent Configuration tab

The following list describes the two notable options in this window:

Administrative agent Runtime tab

In addition to the Configuration page, the dmgr console contains a Runtime tab for the administrative agent. To view the Runtime tab, click System administration | Administrative agent and then click the Runtime tab at the top of the page.

The state is Started because otherwise we cannot access the dmgr console.

The only link in the window panel is for Product Information. Select Product Information to open a new page that provides information about the level of code running on the administrative agent system. This page also provides links for more detailed information, including the installation history for the product and maintenance. Product information is stored as XML files in...

...and can be viewed with the dmgr console.