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Working with the administrative agent
An administrative agent process is managed in the same manner as an application server process. The process name is adminagent.
Start and stop the administrative agent
To view the status of the administrative agent process:
PROFILE_ROOT/bin/ -all
To start an administrative agent...
PROFILE_ROOT/bin/ adminagent
To stop an administrative agent...
PROFILE_ROOT/bin/ adminagent
Administrative agent configuration settings
To view the administrative manager from the dmgr console, click...
System administration | Administrative agent
You have two pages available, the Runtime tab and the Configuration tab.
Administrative agent Configuration tab
The following list describes the two notable options in this window:
- Java SDKs
View and chose the required version of SDKs for the deployment manager process. WAS V8.5 lets you select between Java SDK versions 1.6 and 1.7, both of them available for 32 and 64-bits systems. To be able to select between Java SDK versions 1.6 and 1.7, install both versions first. The default version selected when installing is Java SDK 1.6. If both versions are installed on the system, we can chose one of them and set it as default by clicking the Make Default button. Save your changes and restart the deployment manager process to use the newly selected JAVA SDK version.
- Ports
View and manage the ports the administrative agent uses.
Administrative agent Runtime tab
In addition to the Configuration page, the dmgr console contains a Runtime tab for the administrative agent. To view the Runtime tab, click System administration | Administrative agent and then click the Runtime tab at the top of the page.
The state is Started because otherwise we cannot access the dmgr console.
The only link in the window panel is for Product Information. Select Product Information to open a new page that provides information about the level of code running on the administrative agent system. This page also provides links for more detailed information, including the installation history for the product and maintenance. Product information is stored as XML files in...
...and can be viewed with the dmgr console.