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We can obtain the latest Liberty profile package from the WASdev community website
The Liberty profile requires a JRE to run in. By default, it does not share the JRE with the WAS, so specify the JRE location. By default, JVM on the system PATH is used by default. To verify from cygwin shell that PATH has JVM location...
env | grep ^PATH
Another way to discover JVM......
$ E:/IBM/Worklight/server/wlp/bin/server version worklightServer
WebSphere Application Server wlp-1.0.1.cl0120121004-1949(websphere-kernel_1.0.1) on Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, version 1.7.0_06-b24
For WAS version info...
$ cd E:/IBM/Worklight/server/wlp/bin
$ ./productInfo.bat version
Product name: WebSphere Application Server
Product version:
Minimum supported level for the IBM JDK is 6.0 (J9 2.6) SR1. Minimum supported version of JDK from Oracle is Java 6 update 26. On distributed platforms, 32 and 64-bit Java is supported.
On the Macintosh OSX operating system, Apple Java SDK 6.0 and future releases, mod levels and fix packs are supported.
To set JRE in PATH on Windows 2008 R2....
Start | Control Panel | System and Security | System | Advanced system settings | Environment Variables
To set via command-line (Start | Run | cmd):
set JAVA_HOME=C:/IBM/jre6
Settings are only valid in the command prompt window that you are currently in (or shell if you are on UNIX).
The Liberty profile runtime searches for the java command in the following order of properties:
Additionally, we can set up a specified Java Runtime by editing... E:/IBM/Worklight/server/wlp/etc/server.env
...and setting...
If the file does not exist, create it manually in the Liberty profile etc directory.
Extract the archive
- Extract the contents of the Liberty archive:
java -jar wlp-8500.jar
- Press x to skip reading the license terms, or press Enter to view them.
- Press Enter to view the license agreement.
- Press 1 if you agree to the license terms and want to proceed.
- Provide the installation path for the Liberty profile, for example /IBM/WAS, and press Enter.
In this example, the Liberty profile runtime is installed in...
Use the IBM Installation Manager
To install the Liberty profile using the Installation Manager:
- Install the IBM Installation Manager, and configure the repository with the WAS packages.
- Start the Installation Manager.
- Click Install.
- Check the IBM WAS package.
- Accept the license agreement, provide your installation location for the product, and click Next.
- Select the WAS Liberty Profile and the IBM WebSphere SDK for Java Technology Edition 6. You might use this Java runtime later for the Liberty profile servers. Click Next.
Installation of the Liberty profile using IBM Installation Manager
- Click Install to start the installation process and when the installation process ends, click Finish.
The Liberty profile runtime is now installed in the wlp directory, under the installation location you provided.
Use WebSphere Developer Tools
To install the Liberty profile using the WebSphere Developer Tools, first install the WebSphere Developer Tools into your Eclipse workbench. Additionally we can use the Rational Application Developer V8.5, which has the WebSphere Developer Tools integrated.
See: Eclipse versions and installation instructions
To install the Liberty profile using WebSphere Developer Tools:
- Start the Rational Application Developer V8.5 or Eclipse with WebSphere Developer Tools installed.
- Select...
File | New | Other.
- Under the Wizards textbox, type server, and then click the server icon.
- Select the WAS V8.5 Liberty Profile from the available server list. Provide the Server's host name and the Server name that will be visible in the Eclipse workbench. Click Next.
- Select the runtime for the Liberty profile, and then click Download or install
- We can use the first option, and install the Liberty runtime using an archive installer, or select the second option, and download and install the Liberty runtime from the IBM site.
We use the first option. Click Browse, and point to the Liberty profile package
- Accept the License agreement.
- You are returned and can click Next. Optionally, we can choose the JRE you want the Liberty profile to use.
- Provide the target installation folder, and then click Finish.
- Create an instance of the server, and click New.
- Type the Liberty profile server name, and then click Finish.
- Click Finish to end the Liberty profile installation.