WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Schedulers settings

Use this page to modify scheduler settings.

To view this dmgr console page, click Resources > Schedulers > scheduler_name.


Scope of the configured resource. This value indicates the location for the configuration file.


Name by which this scheduler is known for administrative purposes.
Information Value
Data type String

JNDI name

Name of the data source where persistent tasks are stored.

The Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name specifies where this scheduler instance is bound in the namespace. Clients can look this name up directly, although the use of resource references is recommended.
Information Value
Data type String

Description of this scheduler for administrative purposes.
Information Value
Data type String


String that can be used to classify or group this scheduler.
Information Value
Data type String

Data source JNDI name

Name of the data source where persistent tasks are stored.

Any data source available in the name space can be used with a scheduler. Multiple schedulers can share a single data source while using different tables by specifying a table prefix.
Information Value
Data type String

Data source alias

Specifies the alias for the user name and password used to access the data source.
Information Value
Data type String

Table prefix

String prefix to affix to the scheduler tables. Multiple independent schedulers can share the same database if each scheduler specifies a different prefix string.

Multiple independent schedulers can share the same database if each instance specifies a different prefix string.

Use a table prefix with all capital characters. If lowercase characters are used for the table prefix, they are automatically capitalized at run time.
Information Value
Data type String

Poll interval

Interval, in seconds, that a scheduler polls the database. Default is appropriate for most applications.

Each poll operation can be consuming. If the interval is extremely small and there are many scheduled tasks, polling can consume a large portion of system resources.
Information Value
Data type Integer
Units Seconds
Default 30
Range 2000000

Work manager JNDI name

JNDI name of the work manager, which is used to manage the number of tasks that can run concurrently with the scheduler. The work manager also can limit the amount of Java EE context applied to the task.

The work manager is a server object that serves as a logical thread pool for the scheduler. Each repeating task that is created using this scheduler uses the Number of alarm threads specified in the work manager, which affects the number of tasks that can run concurrently. Use the work manager Service Names property to limit the amount of context information that is propagated to the task when it runs.

When a task runs, the task is run in the work manager associated with the scheduler instance. We can control the number of actively running tasks at a given time by configuring schedulers with a specific work manager. The number of tasks that can run concurrently is governed by the Number of alarm threads parameter on the work manager.

Use administration roles

When this option and administrative security are both enabled, the user administration roles are enforced when the scheduler JMX commands or APIs are used to create and modify tasks. If this option is not enabled, all the users can create and modify tasks.

Schedulers require several user roles to plan for, develop, administer and operate the scheduler service: administrator, developer and operator.
Information Value
Data type check box
Default unchecked

  • Operator, Administrator - Calls any of the scheduler MBean or API methods and runs any of the scheduler dmgr console functions.
  • Monitor, Configurator - Calls the scheduler MBean or API methods, but cannot create tasks or modify the state of any tasks. Only read-only methods and properties are accepted.

Related concepts:

Scheduler daemon


Create a scheduler resource reference
Configure schedulers


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