WAS v8.5 > Reference > Administrator examplesExample: Dynamically changing scheduler daemon poll intervals using Java Management Extensions API
Use the wsadmin scripting tool to invoke a Jacl script and dynamically change scheduler daemon poll intervals.
To dynamically change scheduler daemon poll intervals, use the wsadmin scripting tool to invoke this example JACL script. Invoking this example sets the poll interval of the scheduler daemon to 60 seconds.
# Example JACL Script to set the Scheduler daemon's poll interval set schedJNDIName sched/MyScheduler # Find the WASScheduler MBean regsub -all {/} $schedJNDIName "." schedJNDIName set mbeanName Scheduler_$schedJNDIName puts "Looking-up Scheduler MBean $mbeanName" set sched [$AdminControl queryNames WebSphere:*,type=WASScheduler,name=$mbeanName] # Set the poll interval to 60 seconds (60000 ms) $AdminControl setAttribute $sched pollInterval 60000 puts "Poll interval set."
Related concepts:
Scheduler daemon
API documentation
Related information:
Example: Stop and starting scheduler daemons using Java Management Extensions API