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MBeans for object pool managers and object pools

Legacy MBean names for object pool managers and object pools are deprecated. The legacy names are based on the object pool manager name (which is not required to be unique) rather than the object pool manager JNDI name. For object pools, the legacy name is also lacking any identifier of the version of the pooled class. Additionally, object pool Performance Monitoring Instrumentation (PMI) statistics are aggregated for object pools with the same legacy object pool MBean name.

For example, if the object pool manager and pooled class are as follows:

object pool manager name:               My ObjectPool
object pool manager JNDI name:          op/MyObjectPool
pooled class name:                      java.util.ArrayList
hash code of java.util.ArrayList.class: 1111eb3f (hexadecimal)

the legacy object pool manager MBean name will be:

and the legacy object pool MBean name will be:

Instead of using the deprecated legacy MBean names, use the MBean names that are based on the JNDI name of the object pool manager. For the example above, the JNDI name-based object pool manager MBean name is:

and the JNDI name-based object pool MBean name is:

Formats for MBean names
Type Name format
Deprecated legacy object pool manager MBean name: ObjectPoolManager_[object pool manager name]
JNDI name-based object pool manager MBean name: ObjectPoolManager_[object pool manager JNDI name]
Deprecated legacy object pool MBean name: ObjectPool_[object pool manager name]_[pooled class name]
JNDI name-based object pool MBean name: ObjectPool_[object pool manager JNDI name]_[pooled class name].class@[hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the pooled class' java.lang.Class reference]

In all of the above formats, characters that are not valid for MBean names are replaced with the '.' character.


Use object pools


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