WAS v8.5 > New features > What has changed in this releaseTransitioning notes for deployment topics
When you upgrade the application server to a newer version, be aware of the following settings that you might want to change.
- BLAManagement command group for AdminTask using wsadmin.sh
In the WebSphere Application Server v7 Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API 2.0, bundle changes to the asset are applied by restarting the business-level application. In v8.x, these changes are applied by updating the composition unit. The new approach in v8.x means that many bundle changes can be applied in place, without restarting the running business-level application. To enable this new approach, the UpdateAppContentVersionsStep parameter has been replaced with the UpdateAppContentVersions parameter, and instead of restarting the business-level application you run the editCompUnit command with the CompUnitStatusStep parameter.
- SCA programming model support in OSGi applications
If the application previously used SDO version 1.0.0, change the Import-Package to:
Import-Package: commonj.sdo;version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)"