WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environmentNew features overview for administering applications and their environments
Use the links provided in this topic to learn about the administrative features.
- What is new for administrators
This topic provides an overview of new and changed features of system administration.
- Introduction: System administration
This topic describes the administration of the product and the applications that run on it.
See also Introduction: Environment and Introduction: Variables.
- What is new for administrators
This topic highlights what is new or changed, for users who are going to customize, administer, monitor, and tune production server environments. It also addresses those who are going to deploy and operate applications.- Introduction: System administration
We can administer your WAS product through scripts, command line tools, the dmgr console, or the Java programming interface. You administer server processes, topological units referenced as nodes and cells, and the configuration repository where configuration information is stored in XML files.- Introduction: Environment
Your WAS product environment includes web server plug-ins, WAS variables, and other data objects. Configure values for settings in these categories using the Environment section of the dmgr console.- Introduction: Application servers
Application servers provide the core functionality of the WAS product family. Application servers extend the ability of a web server to handle Web application requests, and much more. An application server enables a server to generate a dynamic, customized response to a client request.- Mail, URLs, and other J2EE resources
This topic describes the supported resources that are defined by Java EE.- Data access resources
These topics provide information about accessing data resources.- Messaging resources
WAS supports asynchronous messaging based on the JMS and JCA specifications, which provide a common way for Java programs (clients and Java EE applications) to create, send, receive, and read asynchronous requests, as messages. Applications can use point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging. These styles of messaging can be used in the following ways: one-way; request and response; one-way and forward.