WAS v8.5 > Develop applicationsDevelop web services
This page provides a starting point for finding information about web services.
Web services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a network. They implement a services oriented architecture (SOA), which supports the connecting or sharing of resources and data in a very flexible and standardized manner. Services are described and organized to support their dynamic, automated discovery and reuse.
- Use JAXB for XML data binding
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is a Java technology that provides an easy and convenient way to map Java classes and XML schema for simplified web services development. JAXB provides the xjc schema compiler, the schemagen schema generator and a runtime framework to support marshalling and unmarshalling of XML documents to and from Java objects.- Develop JAX-WS web services (bottom-up)
- Develop JAX-WS web services with WSDL files (top-down)
- Develop JAX-WS clients
- Develop JAX-RPC web services
- Develop JAX-RPC web services with WSDL files (top-down)
- Develop JAX-RPC web services clients
- Assemble web services applications
Related information:
Develop web services - Addressing (WS-Addressing)
Develop web services - Invocation framework (WSIF)
Develop web services - Reliable messaging (WS-ReliableMessaging)
Develop web services - UDDI registry
Develop web services - RESTful services
Develop web services - Security (WS-Security)
Develop web services - Transaction support (WS-Transaction)
Develop web services - Transports
End-to-end paths for web services
Migrating web services
Administer web services
Scripting for web services
Secure web services
Web services
Monitoring web services
Tune web services
Troubleshooting web services