WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsTrust service token provider settings page
Use this page to modify information for an existing token provider.
To view this dmgr console page:
- Services > Trust service > Token providers > token_provider_name
Name of the token provider.
This field displays the unique name of the token provider (for example, Security Context Token). We cannot change the name for any existing token provider.
Information Value Data type: String
Class name
Package and class name of the trust service's Security Context Token provider.
This field displays the configuration class name, including the package information (for example, com.ibm.ws.wssecurity.trust.server.sts.ext.sct.SCTHandlerFactory).
We cannot change the class name for any existing token provider.
Information Value Data type: String
Token type schema URI
Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the token type schema.
This field displays the unique token type schema URI. Use a valid URI format, such as: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-secureconversation/200512/sct.
We cannot change the schema URI for any existing token provider.
Information Value Data type: String
Time in cache after expiration
Number of minutes that a token remains in the token cache after the token expires.
This field displays the time, in minutes, the expired token is kept cached and can still be renewed.
Information Value Data type: Integer Default: 120 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 2147483647
Token timeout
Amount of time, in minutes, the issued token is valid.
This field displays the maximum timeout, in minutes, for a token to be considered valid.
Information Value Data type: Integer Default: 120 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 2147483647
Allow renewal after timeout
Specifies to enable or disable the renewal of a token.
This check box specifies whether to allow a client to renew an expired token. Note the Time in cache after expiration field specifies the amount of time within which an expired token can still be renewed.
Information Value Data type: Check box Default: Do not allow (unchecked)
Allow postdated tokens
Specifies to enable or disable the use of postdated tokens.
This check box specifies whether a client can request a token to become valid at some point in the future.
Information Value Data type: Check box Default: Do not allow (unchecked)
Support Secure Conversation Token v200502
This check box specifies whether support for the WS-Trust and WS-Secure Conversation Feb 2005 Submission Draft OASIS specification is enabled. The default URI for the token type schema is provided in the non-editable field below the check box.
Information Value Data type: Check box Default: Enabled (checked)
Custom Properties
Specifies additional configuration settings the token provider might require.
This table lists custom properties. Use custom properties to set internal system configuration properties.
The Secure Context Token default configuration settings are :
Property Name Property Value com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.trust.algorithm AES com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.trust.keySize 128 com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.trust.provider IBMJCE
Specifies custom properties that we can add to, edit, or delete from the token provider.
Click New to add and define a new custom property.
For existing custom properties, first select the check box for the name of the custom property, and click one of the following actions:
Actions Description Edit Whether to modify existing custom properties. This action requires one or more custom properties to be selected. Delete Removes the selected existing property from the listing in the Name column. This action requires one or more custom properties to be selected.
Displays the names of the custom properties that have been defined for the token provider.
This column displays the name of the custom property (for example, com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.trust.keySize). Custom properties are name-value pairs of data that are passed to the token provider during configuration. The name specified must match the name of a configuration property or setting the provider understands and expects.
Information Value Data type: String
Value for the custom property.
This column displays the value for the custom property (for example, true). Custom properties are name-value pairs of data. The value, which is represented as a string, is a configuration setting that is passed to the provider during configuration.
Information Value Data type: String or Boolean
Define a new system policy set
System policy set page