WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Algorithm mapping configuration settings page

Use this page to view a list of custom uniform resource identifier (URI) algorithms for digest value calculation, signature, key encryption, and data encryption. The application server maps these algorithms to an implementation of the algorithm factory engine interface. With algorithm mappings, service providers can extend the cryptographic algorithms for XML digital signature and XML encryption.

To view this dmgr console page on the server level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name.

  2. Under Security, click JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime.

    In a mixed node cell with a server using Websphere Application Server version 6.1 or earlier, click Web services: Default bindings for Web Services Security.

  3. Under Additional properties, click Algorithm mappingsalgorithm_factory_engine_class_name.

    The Algorithm mappings feature is not supported when the Use the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) option has been selected on the SSL certificate and key management panel of the dmgr console. When this option is selected, the New button in the Algorithm mappings panel is not available.

  4. Click New.

To view this dmgr console page on the cell level:

  1. Click Security > JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime, or Services > JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime.

  2. Under Additional properties, click Algorithm mappings > algorithm_factory_engine_class_name.

  3. Click New.

Algorithm factory engine class

Custom class that implements the factory engine interface.

To use this algorithm mapping feature, specify a custom algorithm class in the Algorithm factory engine class field for digital signature, data encryption, digest value calculation, and key encryption. The algorithm factory engine provides a plug-in point for service providers to provide their implementation for digest value calculation, digital signature, key encryption, and data encryption based on a specified algorithm uniform resource identifier (URI). By clicking Algorithm URI under Additional properties, we can specify the algorithm URI and its usage type. WAS v8.5 supports the following algorithm types:

Message digest

Algorithm URI used for digest value calculation.


Algorithm URI used for digital signatures including both signing and signature verification.

Data encryption

Algorithm URI used for both encrypting and decrypting data.

Key encryption

Algorithm URI used for both encrypting and decrypting the encryption key.
If the URI is used for multiple usage types, then you must define a mapping of the URI to each usage type. The actual implementation of the algorithm is provided by the custom class that implements the factory engine interface. For more information, refer to the information center documentation on how to implement a factory class.

By clicking Properties under Additional properties, we can specify name-value pair properties for the factory class.


Configure token generators using JAX-RPC to protect message authenticity at the server level


Algorithm URI page
Algorithm URI configuration settings
Algorithm mapping page


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