WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsSSL configurations page
Use this page to define a list of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configurations.
To view this dmgr console page, click Security > SSL certificate and key management. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration. Under Related items, click SSL configurations.
SSL configurations buttons. This table lists the SSL configurations buttons.
Button Resulting action New The JSSE repertoire is for Java-based SSL communications. We can define a new JSSE configuration that can be used to create an SSLContext, URLStreamHandler, SSLSocketFactory, SSLServerSocketFactory, and so on, using the com.ibm.websphere.ssl.JSSEHelper API. Delete Deletes an existing JSSE configuration (administrator only). Be careful that any references to the SSL configuration have been removed prior to deleting this SSL configuration.
Unique name of the SSL configuration in the management scope.
SSL configuration settings
AdminTask SecurityConfigurationCommands