WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsTransport chains page
Use this page to view or manage transport chains. Transport chains enable communication through transport channels, or protocol stacks, which are usually socket based.
A transport chain consists of one or more types of channels, each of which supports a different type of I/O protocol, such as TCP or HTTP. Network ports can be shared among all of the channels within a chain. The Channel Framework function automatically distributes a request arriving on that port to the correct I/O protocol channel for processing.
The Transport chains page lists the transport chains defined for the selected application server. Transport chains represent network protocol stacks operating within this application server.
To view this dmgr console page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Ports. Click on View associated transports for the port whose transport chains to view.
Unique identifier for the transport chain. The name must consist of alphanumeric or national language characters and can start with a number. The name must be unique within the product configuration. Click on the name of a transport chain to change its configuration settings.
When set to true, indicates the transport chain is activated at application server startup.
Host IP address to bind for the transport chain. If the application server is on a local machine, the host name might be localhost.
Port to bind for the transport chain. The port number can be any port not already bound to another transport chain.
SSL Enabled
When enabled, users are notified there is a channel that enables SSL in the listed transport chain. When SSL is enabled, all traffic going through this transport is encrypted and digitally secured.
Transport chain settings
HTTP transport channel settings
TCP transport channel settings
DCS transport channel settings
HTTP tunnel transport channel settings
SIP inbound channel settings
Web container inbound transport channel settings
SSL inbound channel