WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsFilter values settings page
Use this page to specify the values for source IP, URI, web services, JMS, or EJB method name request metrics filters.
To view this dmgr console page, click Monitoring and Tuning > Request Metrics > Filters > filter_type > Filter values > filter_value.
Source IP, URI, web services, JMS, or EJB value based on the type of filter.
For example, for URI filters, the value can be /servlet/snoop. When needed, the wildcard ( * ) can be appended at the end of the value. For example, /servlet/s* is a valid URI filter value.
For JMS and web services filter values, the wildcard can be used at the end of one or more name/value pairs.
Enable filter
Whether this filter value is enabled.
Get performance data from request metrics
Isolating performance for specific types of requests
Administrative console preference settings