Network Deployment (All operating systems), v8.5 > Reference > Settings

WebSphere MQ resource custom properties settings page

Use this page to specify custom properties that your enterprise information system (EIS) requires for the resource providers and resource factories that you configure. For example, most database vendors require additional custom properties for data sources that access the database.

To view this administrative console page, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Resources > JMS->JMS providers.

  2. If appropriate, in the content pane, change the scope of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.
  3. In the content pane, click the WebSphere MQ messaging provider to support the JMS destination.
  4. In the content pane, under Additional Properties, click the type of resource to change, for example Queues.

  5. Click the name of the resource to work with.
  6. In the content pane, under General Properties, complete the groups of fields, for example Administration and WebSphere MQ Queue.
  7. In the content pane, under Additional Properties, click Custom properties to display a list of the custom properties of a WebSphere MQ resource.

A resource for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider has the following custom properties.


The name by which the resource is known for administrative purposes within WAS.
Information Value
Data type String


The value of the resource.

As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.

This name is used to link the platform binding information. The binding associates the resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the module to the actual (physical) resources bound into JNDI by the platform.
Information Value
Data type String


A description of the resource, for administrative purposes within WAS.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null


Whether the resource is required, for administrative purposes within WAS.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Null

Related concepts:

WebSphere MQ custom properties

Related tasks:

Configuring custom properties for the WebSphere MQ resource adapter

Related reference:

Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names

WebSphere MQ library