Network Deployment (All operating systems), v8.5 > Reference > Settings

WebSphere MQ messaging provider connection factory client transport settings page

Use this panel to view or change the client transport settings of a connection factory, queue connection factory, or topic connection factory for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. Client transport properties affect how a client connection is established with a WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group. Updates to the settings take effect when the server is restarted.

To view WebSphere MQ connection factory, queue connection factory, or topic connection factory client transport settings, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Resources > JMS.

  2. Click Connection factories, Queue connection factories, or Topic connection factories to display existing connection factories, queue connection factories or topic connection factories.
  3. Select the name of the connection factory, queue connection factory, or topic connection factory to work with.
  4. In the content pane under Additional Properties, click Client transport properties to view a list of the client transport settings of the WebSphere MQ connection factory, queue connection factory, or topic connection factory.

Under General Properties there are two groups of properties:

Make any required changes to these groups and then click Apply to return to the connection factory, queue connection factory or topic connection factory.

When specifying WebSphere MQ properties, the following restrictions apply:

A WebSphere MQ connection factory, queue connection factory, or topic connection factory has the following client transport settings properties:

Certificate revocation list

A list of LDAP URLs pointing to LDAP repositories of SSL certificates that might have been revoked.
Information Value
Data type String
Default No certificate revocation list
Range The value must be a space-separated list of LDAP URLs.

Peer name

A name (possibly including wildcards) that must match the distinguished name of the peer SSL certificate for a connection to be established.
Information Value
Data type String
Default Do not check the distinguished name of the peer certificate.
Range Validated according to the rules for a WebSphere MQ SSLPEER channel parameter.

Reset count

The total number of bytes to transfer over an SSL connection before renegotiating the symmetric encryption keys used to secure the connection.
Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0 (do not renegotiate)
Range The value must be in the range 0 through 999,999,999 (inclusive).

Receive exits

A comma-separated list of Java class names corresponding to receive exits to be loaded.
Information Value
Data type String

Receive exit initialization data

Initialization data to be passed to the receive exit.
Information Value
Data type String

Send exits

A comma-separated list of Java class names corresponding to send exits to be loaded.
Information Value
Data type String

Send exit initialization data

Initialization data to be passed to the send exit.
Information Value
Data type String

Security exit

A Java class name corresponding to the security exit to be loaded.
Information Value
Data type String

Security exit initialization data

Initialization data to be passed to the security exit.
Information Value
Data type String

Related tasks:

Configuring a unified connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

Configuring a topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

Configuring a queue connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

Related reference:

Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names

WebSphere MQ library

WebSphere MQ messaging provider queue connection factory settings

WebSphere MQ messaging provider topic connection factory settings