WAS v8.5 > Reference > SetsURL provider settings page
Use this page to configure URL providers, which support WebSphere Application Server connections to a URL over a specific protocol.
To view this dmgr console page, click Resources > URL > URL Providers > URL_provider.
Scope of this URL provider, which can support multiple URL configurations. All of the URL configurations that are supported by this provider inherit this scope.
Administrative name for the URL provider.
Describes the URL provider, for the administrative records.
Class path
Specifies paths or JAR file names which together form the location for the resource provider classes.
Stream handler class name
Specifies fully qualified name of a user-defined Java class that extends the java.net.URLStreamHandler class for a particular URL protocol, such as FTP.
Protocol supported by this stream handler. For example, NNTP, SMTP, FTP.
Use URL resources within an application