WAS v8.5 > Reference > Sets

Mail session settings for application clients

Use this page to configure mail session properties.

To view this Application Client Resource Configuration Tool (ACRCT) page, click File > Open. After you browse for an EAR file, click Open. Expand the selected JAR file > Mail Providers > mail provider instance. Right-click Mail Sessions and click New. The following fields appear on the General tab:


Represents the administrative name of the JavaMail session object.

Provides an optional description for the administrative records.


The application client run time uses this field to retrieve configuration information.

Mail Transport Host

Server to connect to when sending mail.

Mail Transport Protocol

Transport protocol to use when sending mail.

Mail Transport User

User ID to use when the mail transport host requires authentication.

Mail Transport Password

Password to use when the mail transport host requires authentication.

Enable strict Internet address parsing

Whether the recipient addresses must be parsed strictly in compliance with RFC 822, which is a specifications document issued by the Internet Architecture Board.

This setting is not generally used for most mail applications. RFC 822 syntax for parsing addresses effectively enforces a strict definition of a valid email address. If you select this setting, JavaMail will adhere to RFC 822 syntax and reject recipient addresses that do not parse into valid email addresses (as defined by the specification). If we do not select this setting, JavaMail will not adhere to RFC 822 syntax and will accept recipient addresses that do not comply with the specification. By default, this setting is deselected. We can view the RFC 822 specification at the following URL for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc822/.

Re-Enter Password

Confirms the password.

Mail From

Mail originator.

Mail Store Host

Mail account host (or "domain") name.

Mail Store User

User ID of the mail account.

Mail Store Password

Password of the mail account.

Re-Enter Password

Confirms the password.

Mail Store Protocol

Protocol to be used when receiving mail.

Mail Debug

When true, JavaMail interaction with mail servers, along with these mail session properties are printed to the stdout file.

Custom Properties

Specifies name-value pairs for setting additional properties on the object that is created at run time for this resource.

You must enter a name that is a public property on the object and a value that can be converted from a string to the type required by the set method of the property. The acceptable properties and values depend on the object that is created. Refer to the object documentation for a list of valid properties and values.


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