WAS v8.5 > Script the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Welcome to scripting for web services > Configure web services applications using wsadmin.sh > Configure secure sessions between clients and services using wsadmin.sh

Associate token providers with endpoint services (targets) using wsadmin.sh

We can use wsadmin, which supports the Jython and Jacl scripting languages, to manage the association of endpoints and tokens. Use this topic to query, assign, and unassign the association of a token provider with an endpoint Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Before we can assign and manage endpoint configurations, at least one token provider configuration and a web service must exist.

Use the STSManagement group of commands to specify a custom service endpoint Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and to assign and unassign the association of trust service token providers with endpoint configurations. Complete the steps in this topic to query the trust service for the existing endpoint configuration, associate the default token with an endpoint, and unassociate a token from an endpoint. We can perform these steps in any order.


Configure trust service endpoint targets
Configure secure sessions between clients and services using wsadmin.sh
Querying the trust service using wsadmin.sh
Manage existing token providers using wsadmin.sh
Add and remove token provider custom properties using wsadmin.sh


STSManagement command group for AdminTask


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