WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > XML applications > Use the XML API to perform operations > Precompiling

Precompiling in Java

We can use the XCompilationFactory interface and its various compile and load methods to compile an expression, query, or stylesheet in advance. The Java classes can be loaded at execution time, therefore avoiding the cost of compilation in the application run time.


The following is a basic example of precompiling an XPath expression.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();
// Get the compilation factory
XCompilationFactory compileFactory = factory.getCompilationFactory();
// Create the compilation parameters XCompilationParameters params = compileFactory.newCompilationParameters("MyXPath");
// Generate the compiled classes compileFactory.compileXPath("/doc/item[@id > 3000]", params);

Appropriate compile methods are available for XQuery and XSLT as well.


Precompiling using the command-line tools
Loading a precompiled executable


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