WAS v8.5 > Script the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Manage deployed applications using wsadmin.sh

Export applications using wsadmin.sh

We can export the applications before you update installed applications or before you migrate to a different version of the product.

Before beginning

The application whose contents to export is installed on a server.

We can use the com.ibm.websphere.management.application.client.EnvEntry_processBindings JVM custom property to specify how an environment entry value is handled during an application deployment. However:

Exporting applications enables you to back them up and preserve their binding information.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
  2. Export applications.

    • Export an enterprise application to a location of your choice, for example:

      • Jacl:

          $AdminApp export app1 /mystuff/exported.ear
      • Jython:

          AdminApp.export('app1', '/mystuff/exported.ear')

        export command elements. Run the export command to export an application to a file.

        Element Description
        $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
        AdminApp is an object allowing application objects management
        export is an AdminApp command
        app1 is the name of the application that will be exported
        /mystuff/exported.ear is the name of the file where the exported application will be stored

    • Export Data Definition Language (DDL) files in the enterprise bean module of an application to a destination directory, for example:

      • Jacl:

          $AdminApp exportDDL app1 /mystuff
      • Jython:

          AdminApp.exportDDL('app1', '/mystuff')

      exportDDL command elements. Run the exportDDL command to export DDL files.

      Element Description
      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminApp is an object allowing application objects management
      exportDDL is an AdminApp command
      app1 is the name of the application whose DDL files will be exported
      /mystuff is the name of the directory where the DDL files export from the application


Update installed applications using wsadmin.sh
Use the wsadmin scripting AdminApp object for scripted administration


Commands for the AdminApp object using wsadmin.sh


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