WAS v8.5 > Script the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Troubleshooting with scripting

Extracting properties files to troubleshoot the environment using wsadmin.sh

Use this topic to create a properties file that displays configuration information for a node, application server, application, or other resource. We can use this file to troubleshoot a problem in the environment. To debug problems in the environment, we can use wsadmin to create a properties file to review your configuration. The properties file includes the most commonly used attributes or configuration data and values for the resource of interest. We can create a properties file for any of the following resources:

Use properties files to troubleshoot your configuration. If we cannot resolve the error, we can provide IBM Support with a copy of the properties file.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
  2. Extract the application server configuration of interest.

    extractConfigProperties parameter descriptions. Run the extractConfigProperties command with parameters to extract a specific object configuration.

    Parameter Description
    -propertiesFileName Name of the properties file to extract. (String, required)
    -configData Configuration object instance in the format Node=node1. This parameter is required if we do not specify the configuration object name as the target object. (String, optional)
    -options Specifies additional configuration options, such as GENERATETEMPLATE=true. (Properties, optional)
    -filterMechanism Specifies filter information for extracting configuration properties. Specify All to extract all configuration properties. Specify NO_SUBTYPES to exclude properties specified with the selectedSubTypes parameter. Specify SELECTED_SUBTYPES to extract specific configuration properties specified with the selectedSubTypes parameter. (String, optional)
    -selectedSubTypes Configuration properties to include or exclude when the command extracts the properties. Specify this parameter if you set the filterMechanism parameter to NO_SUBTYPES or SELECTED_SUBTYPES. The following strings are examples of sever subtypes: ApplicationServer, EJBContainer. (String, optional)

    The following example extracts the properties configuration in the ConfigProperties_server1.props file for the server1 application server:

      AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName ConfigProperties_server1.props -configData Server=server1')

    The system extracts the properties file, which contains each of the configuration objects and attributes for the server1 application server.


The system creates a properties file based on the resource configuration of interest.


Extracting properties files using wsadmin.sh
Applying properties files using wsadmin.sh
Validating properties files using wsadmin.sh
Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
Manage environment configurations with properties files using wsadmin.sh
Create and deleting configuration objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
Troubleshooting with scripting


PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group for AdminTask using wsadmin.sh
How do I troubleshoot?


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