WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services - UDDI registry > Administer the UDDI registry > Set up and deploying a new UDDI registrySet up a default UDDI node with a default data source
We can create a UDDI node with predetermined property values and an embedded Apache Derby database. We can do this to set up a UDDI registry quickly for test or development purposes. When you set up a default UDDI node with a default data source, the mandatory node properties, such as node ID, are set automatically and we cannot change them. You run a single script to create the UDDI database and data source, and to deploy the UDDI registry application. This type of node is suitable for initial evaluation of the UDDI registry and for development and test purposes.
To create a default UDDI node with an embedded Apache Derby database but a different data source, or with a different database, see Set up a default UDDI node.
To set up a UDDI node with our own properties, including the mandatory node properties, set up a customized node. See Set up a customized UDDI node.
- Create the UDDI node by running the wsadmin script uddiDeploy.jacl from the app_server_root/bin directory.
For the UNIX or Linux operating systems, add the .sh suffix to wsadmin.
Use the following syntax:
wsadmin [-conntype none] [-profileName profile_name] -wsadmin_classpath app_server_root/derby/lib -f uddiDeploy.jacl node_name server_name defaultwhere:
- -profileName profile_name is optional, and is the name of the profile in which the UDDI application is deployed. If we do not specify a profile, the default profile is used.
- -conntype none is optional, and is needed only if the application server is not running.
- app_server_root is the directory name of the WebSphere Application Server installation location.
- node_name is the name of the WebSphere node on which the target server runs. Note the node name is case sensitive.
- server_name is the name of the target server that deploys the UDDI registry, for example, server1. The server name is case sensitive.
- default creates a UDDI node with default policies in an Apache Derby database and data source. This option is specific to the Apache Derby database only and creates everything required to run a UDDI node.
If the Apache Derby database already exists, you are asked to re-create it. If you choose to re-create the database, the existing database is deleted and a new one is created in its place. If you choose not to re-create the database, the command exits and a new database is not created.
If the application server has already accessed the existing Apache Derby database, the uddiDeploy.jacl script cannot re-create the database. Use the uddiRemove.jacl script to remove the database, as described in the topic about removing a UDDI registry node, restart the server, and run the uddiDeploy.jacl script again.
For example, to create a UDDI node named MyNode on a server named server1 when server1 is started, you might enter the following command. Enter the command on a single line.
wsadmin -wsadmin_classpath C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\derby\lib -f uddiDeploy.jacl MyNode server1 defaultTo create a UDDI node named MyNode on a server named server1 when server1 is not started, you might enter the following command. Enter the command on a single line.
wsadmin -conntype none -wsadmin_classpath C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\ derby\lib -f uddiDeploy.jacl MyNode server1 defaultFor a DB2 database, stop the server if it is running. Edit the user profile for the DB2 user that starts the server. Modify the user profile to run the db2profile script, located in the root directory of the DB2 user ID (for example, /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile). Alternatively, we can run the db2profile script manually, but you must do this every time that you restart the server. Enter the following command (there is a single space character after the period in this command):
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
- Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications to display the installed applications. Start the UDDI registry application by selecting the check box next to the application name and clicking Start. Alternatively, if the application server is not already running, start the application server. This action automatically starts the UDDI registry application. The UDDI node is now active.
If you restart the UDDI application or the application server, the UDDI node always reactivates, even if the node was previously deactivated.
- Click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id to display the properties page for the UDDI registry node. Set Prefix for generated discoveryURLs to a valid URL for the configuration. The URL prefix that is applied to generated discovery URLs used by the HTTP GET service for UDDI v2.
Follow the instructions in Use the UDDI registry installation verification test (IVT) to verify that we have successfully set up the UDDI node.
Set up a default UDDI node
Set up a customized UDDI node
Use the UDDI registry installation verification test (IVT)
Remove a UDDI registry node