WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage the realm in a federated repository configuration > Configure a property extension repository in a federated repository configuration > Set up an entry mapping repository, a property extension repository, or a custom registry database repository using wsadmin commands

Manually setting up the property extension repository for federated repositories

We can use the createIdMgrPropExtDbTables script to create tables in the property extension repository for federated repositories.

The following databases are supported by the script when the database exists on a distributed operating system:

For a list of the supported database versions, see the IBM WebSphere Application Server detailed system requirements.

To use the IBM DB2 on z/OS or IBM DB2 on iSeries database, read about manually setting up the property extension repository in DB2.

If we do not have WAS installed on the same system on which we are setting up the database, you must copy the following files from a system where WAS is installed to the system on which we are setting up the database. Ensure that you replicate the same directory structure within the setup directory. The db_type variable represents one of the following directory names: db2, oracle, informix, derby, or sqlserver.


Specify the database schema:

We can specify the database schema where to create the federated repository tables when we are manually setting up the property extension repository.

To use the default schema of the database, execute the following commands without specifying the DBSCHEMA parameter.

Typically, the default schema is the namespace of the current database user.

Complete these steps to replace the schema variable in the SQL files with the actual database schema name. If WAS and the database are not on the same system, set the SCHEMA_LOCATION value to the location where you copied the SQL files.

Windows operating systems:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Change to the app_server_root\etc\wim\setup directory.

  3. Enter the following commands:
    set SCHEMA_LOCATION=app_server_root\etc\wim\setup\lookaside
    set DBTYPE=<db_type> set DBSCHEMA=dbschemaname
    set SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION=<location where the updated SQL files with replaced variables should be copied> ws_ant.bat -f app_server_root\etc\wim\setup\filterbuild.xml

    where the value of <db_type> is db2, derby, informix, oracle, or sqlserver.

: If SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION is not set, the updated SQL files are copied to a directory with the name as the value not substituted under the current directory. The output shows where the files are copied.

AIX , HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems:

  1. Open a command window

  2. Change to the app_server_root/etc/wim/setup directory.

  3. Enter the following commands:
    export SCHEMA_LOCATION=app_server_root/etc/wim/setup/lookaside
    export DBTYPE=<db_type> export DBSCHEMA=dbschemaname
    export SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION=<location where the updated SQL files with replaced variables should be copied> ws_ant.sh -f app_server_root/etc/wim/setup/filterbuild.xml

    where the value of <db_type> is db2, derby, informix, oracle, or sqlserver.

If SCHEMA_DEST_LOCATION is not set, the updated SQL files are copied to a directory with the name as the value not substituted under the current directory. The output shows where the files are copied.

The following notes apply to specific databases:

The following default instance is created as a part of the database installation:

The Informix database is created with the following environment:


Run the createIdMgrPropExtDbTables.sh script or createIdMgrPropExtDbTables.bat script to create the tables in the property extension repository.

Run the script from the following location or from the directory to which you previously copied the script file:

AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems




Use the following parameters to specify the values that you require when we run the script:


Specify the home directory of the database.

This value is a string value required for all database types.


Specify the schema of the database.

The value of this parameter should be the same value that you specified for DBSCHEMA (described in the previous section, Specifying the database schema).

This value is a string value that is optional for DB2, Derby, and SQL Server databases, to specify the database schema where to create the federated repository tables. This value is not required for Oracle and Informix databases.


Use this parameter to display the help information. (Optional)


Specify the home directory of the database instance.

This value is a string value required for a DB2 database only; do not specify a value for other database types.

This parameter applies to the AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.


Specify the name of the database to which we are connecting.

For an Oracle database, the value of the ORACLE_SID variable is the same as the name of the database.

This value is a string value required for all database types.


Specify the password of the database administrator.

This value is a string value required for DB2, Oracle, Informix, and SQL Server databases only; do not specify a value for a Derby database.


On AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems, this parameter specifies the location of the app_server_root/etc/wim/setup directory, or the location to which the updated files are copied according to the steps in the previous section, Specifying the database schema.

On Windows operating systems, this parameter specifies the location of the app_server_root\etc\wim\setup directory, or the location to which the updated files are copied according to the steps in the previous section, Specifying the database schema.

This value is a string value required for all database types.


Specify a database type.

  • On the AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems, specify one of the following valid values: db2, oracle, informix, derby.

  • On the Windows operating systems, specify one of the following valid values: db2, oracle, informix, derby, or sqlserver.

This value is a string value required for all database types.


Specify the user ID of the database administrator.

This value is a string value required for DB2, Oracle, Informix, and SQL Server databases only; do not specify a value for a Derby database.


Run the appropriate script for the database and operating system to create tables in the property extension repository. Use the sample values to specify database parameters. If the database exists on a system where WAS is not installed, the following examples assume that your PATH variable includes an entry for the location to which you copied the script files. For the AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems, the entry might be the app_server_root/etc/wim/setup/bin/ or the /setup/bin/ directory. For Windows operating systems, the entry might be the app_server_root\etc\wim\setup\bin\ or the \setup\bin\ directory.

The examples in the following section are organized into multiple lines for illustration purposes only.

On the AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems:

Oracle databases

-b /space/oracle/product/10.2.0/Db_1/ 
-n orcl 
-u system 
-p manager 
-s /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1/etc/wim/setup 
-t oracle

Informix databases

-b /opt/IBM/informix/ 
-n demo_on 
-u informix 
-p informix 
-s /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/wim/setup 
-t informix

DB2 databases

-b /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/ 
-n db2inst1 
-p db2inst1  
-s /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/wim/setup 
-t DB2 
-u db2inst1 
-i /home/db2inst1/

Derby databases

-b /opt/ibm/derby/ 
-n test11 
-s /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/wim/setup 
-t derby 

On the Windows operating systems:

Oracle databases

-b "c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\Db_1" 
-n orcl 
-u system 
-p manager 
-s "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1\etc\wim\setup" 
-t oracle

Informix databases

-b "c:\Program Files\IBM\informix" 
-n demo_on 
-u informix 
-p informix 
-s "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\etc\wim\setup" 
-t informix

DB2 databases

-t db2 
-u db2admin 
-p sec001ret# 
-n test23 
-b "c:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB" 
-s "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1\etc\wim\setup"

Derby databases

-t derby 
-b "c:\Derby" 
-n test11 
-s "c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1\etc\wim\setup"

Microsoft SQL Server databases

-t sqlserver 
-u sa 
-p sec001ret# 
-n sqlsrv
-b "c:\Progra~1\Micros~1\90\Tools" 
-s "C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1\etc\wim\setup"

Run the setupIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables command with the skipDBCreation parameter set to true to populate the tables created. For more information, read about setting up an entry mapping repository, a property extension repository, or a custom registry database repository using wsadmin commands.


Manually setting up the property extension repository for DB2 for iSeries or DB2 for z/OS

Related information:

WAS detailed system requirements


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