WAS v8.5 > Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting web services > Detecting and fixing problems with WS-ReliableMessagingDiagnose the problem when a reliable messaging source cannot deliver its messages
If you know the sequence identifier, and the target URI for the messages, we can use the runtime dmgr console panels to examine the sequence and determine why a reliable messaging source is not delivering its messages into the application server.
To diagnose this problem...
- Identify the target server from the target URI.
- Use the dmgr console to view the inbound sequences runtime information for the target server.
In the navigation pane, click either Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > [Additional Properties] Reliable messaging state > Runtime > Inbound sequences or Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name > [Additional Properties] Reliable messaging state > Runtime > Inbound sequences. The runtime state of each of the inbound sequences for the current scope is displayed in the Inbound sequence page form.
- Specify a filter on the runtime view of the sequences, filtering on the Sequence identifier provided by the reliable messaging source owner.
- Click on the Sequence identifier of the displayed sequence to get a more detailed view of it.
- If the sequence has failed, examine the runtime status of the failed sequence and provide the reliable messaging source owner with details of which messages have been acknowledged, so the owner can decide whether to delete, or to process out of order, any undelivered messages.
- If the sequence has not failed, see whether there is a communications problem between the reliable messaging source and the application server.
Diagnose and recovering a WS-ReliableMessaging outbound sequence that is in retransmitting state
Delete a failed WS-ReliableMessaging outbound sequence
Add assured delivery to web services through WS-ReliableMessaging