WAS v8.5 > End-to-end paths > Web services - RESTful services > Use Java contexts and dependency injection with JAX-RSConfigure the JAX-RS application.
Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
Step 3 towards the goal: Use Java contexts and dependency injection with JAX-RS
We can configure JAX-RS applications in multiple ways depending on your needs. To take advantage of the Java EE 6 functionality, we can use the annotation scanning capabilities. By using annotation scanning, we can omit a JAX-RS javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass or have a minimally defined javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass. Alternatively, we can specify the IBM JAX-RS servlet or filter to use the functionality available in the IBM JAX-RS servlet and filter.
Using one of the JAX-RS v1.1 configuration methods, we can omit a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass in the application or have a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass that returns an empty set of classes to inform the JAX-RS runtime environment to find and use all the JAX-RS classes in the application. You might want to use this method when we do not want to manually add every relevant JAX-RS class to a javax.ws.rs.core.Application subclass as you develop the application.
By specifying the specific IBM JAX-RS servlet and filter, we can take advantage of and ensure specific IBM JAX-RS behavior. For example, using the IBM JAX-RS filter can be helpful in developing a web application with a mix of JAX-RS resources and JSP files with the same URL patterns.
Even though there is a JAX-RS V1.1 configuration method that supports the use of an optional web.xml file, to specify security constraints or roles, or to take advantage of other features enabled using a web.xml file, specify the information in a web.xml file.
Choose one of the following three methods to configure your JAX-RS application:
Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methodsUse this method to use the annotation scanning capabilities or to use the JAX-RS 1.1 configuration methods. We can use the annotation scanning capabilities to promote application portability, to minimize the amount of configuration code, or to dynamically modify the application without changes to the application code.
Configure web.xml for JAX-RS servletsUse this method to specify features that are enabled using servlet initialization parameters to change the behavior and ensure that you get the IBM JAX-RS servlet. When using servlets, we can define a servlet path in web.xml that is appended to the base URL.
Configure web.xml for JAX-RS filtersUse this method to use the filter when we have JSPs, other servlets and filters, and JAX-RS resources with a mix of URL patterns. We can configure web.xml to define filters that indicate the possible URLs on which the filter can be invoked.
Implement JAX-RS resources with JCDI functionality.
Configure JAX-RS web applications