WAS v8.5 > Deploy applications > Deploy SCA composites > Deploy SCA business-level applicationsView and editing JMS bindings on references and services of SCA composites
We can view information on a JMS binding for a SCA composite in the dmgr console. The JMS bindings page of the console displays the settings of a binding.jms element. We can use the console page to edit resource and response resource settings.
Configure an SCA composite that uses JMS bindings and add that composite as a composition unit to a business-level application. To view and edit settings for a JMS binding on references, the composite must define a JMS binding in the reference. Similarly, to view and edit settings for a JMS binding on services, the composite must define a JMS binding in the service.
The JMS bindings page enables you to see JMS binding settings for an SCA composite in the dmgr console. The information shown is similar to that shown by running the viewCompUnit wsadmin scripting command to view the SCA composite composition unit. However, the console page shows JMS binding settings only, and does not show other information on the composition unit that running viewCompUnit returns.
After deployment of an SCA composite that uses JMS bindings, we can edit JMS binding resource or response resource settings that specify JNDI names on the JMS bindings page. The editing capabilities are similar to those of the editCompUnit scripting command. To edit settings, the JMS resource must exist. WAS v8.5 does not dynamically create JMS resources when we edit a composition unit.
- Go to the JMS bindings page.
To view this page, your composition unit must support a JMS binding reference or service.
- Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > deployed_asset_composition_unit_name.
- From the composition unit settings page for SCA composites, select to view references or services:
- For an SCA component reference, click SCA Composite Components > SCA_component_reference_name > SCA Component References > reference_name > Bindings > JMS binding.
- For an SCA component service, click SCA Composite Components > SCA_component_service_name > SCA Component Services > service_name > Bindings > JMS binding.
- View the JMS binding settings for the composition unit.
- Edit the Destination JNDI name, Activation specification JNDI name, Connection factory JNDI name, Response destination JNDI name, or Response connection factory JNDI name settings as needed and click Apply.
The JMS bindings page displays property settings for a JMS binding. If we change resource or response resource JNDI name values, the changed values are shown.
Suppose that we have a business-level application named MyJmsBLA, which has an SCA composite named MySCAComposite. This composite uses a JMS binding on service named JmsService, in a composition unit named myJmsBindingCU.
- Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > MyJmsBLA > myJmsBindingCU > SCA Composite Components > MySCAComposite > SCA Component Services > JmsService > Bindings > JMS binding.
The JMS bindings page displays general binding settings and settings for a JMS binding on services.
- Edit the value specified for Activation specification JNDI name, and click Apply.
The JMS bindings page displays the changed value.
Browse the page to ensure that it contains the binding information.
For information on JMS binding settings, refer to the online help for the JMS bindings page or Section 1.4 of the SCA JMS Binding specification, v1.00.
View JMS bindings on references and services of SCA composites using scripting
Edit JMS bindings on references and services of SCA composites using scripting
Configure the SCA JMS binding
Example: Creating an SCA business-level application with the console
JMS binding settings for SCA composites
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