WAS v8.5 > Develop applications > Develop SCA composites > Develop SCA applications > Develop asynchronous SCA services and clientsDevelop asynchronous SCA services
We can create services that use Service Component Architecture (SCA) OASIS specifications to asynchronously run request-response services.
To learn about asynchronous invocations of SCA services, see the SCA OASIS Java Common Annotations and APIs specification. For a list of common annotations in SCA OASIS specifications, see http://docs.oasis-open.org/opencsa/sca-j/javadoc/index.html. To develop an asynchronous SCA service, we can create three files:
- A Java service interface that uses the SCA OASIS @AsyncInvocation annotation and, for exception errors, the @AsyncFault annotation
- A Java service implementation that has an @Service annotation which refers to the service interface
- An SCA OASIS composite
- Create an asynchronous service interface.
We can derive an interface from the business interface between the client and the service. For example, suppose the service has the following business interface:
package broker; public interface StockQuote { float getPrice(String symbol) throws UnknownSymbolException;}Copy the business interface and modify it to create an equivalent asynchronous service interface:
package broker.impl; import broker.UnknownSymbolException; import org.oasisopen.sca.ResponseDispatch; import org.oasisopen.sca.annotation.AsyncFault; import org.oasisopen.sca.annotation.AsyncInvocation; @AsyncInvocation public interface StockQuote { @AsyncFault(UnknownSymbolException.class) void getPriceAsync(String symbol, ResponseDispatch<Float> dispatch); }An asynchronous service interface is a contract between the SCA container and the service implementation. It is not used by the client.
Use the @AsyncInvocation annotation on the interface to indicate it is asynchronous. Derive each method from its equivalent method in the business interface as follows:
- Append the characters Async to the method name.
- Change the return type to void.
- Add a ResponseDispatch argument which is typed by the method’s original return type.
- Move exceptions from the throws clause to @AsyncFault annotations.
For simplicity, use the same simple name for the asynchronous service interface as for the business interface, but specify a different package name. By default, an SCA service name is the simple name of its interface, so using the same interface names helps to ensure that a consistent SCA service name is used.
- Create the asynchronous service implementation.
For example, create an implementation that references the StockQuote SCA service interface:
package broker.impl; import broker.UnknownSymbolException; import org.oasisopen.sca.ResponseDispatch; import org.oasisopen.sca.annotation.Service; @Service(StockQuote.class) public class StockQuoteImpl { public void getPriceAsync(String symbol, ResponseDispatch<Float> dispatch) { if (!isValidSymbol(symbol)) dispatch.sendFault(new UnknownSymbolException()); else dispatch.sendResponse(getPrice(symbol)); } private boolean isValidSymbol(String symbol) { // fill in } private Float getPrice(String symbol) { // fill in }}The @Service annotation must refer to the asynchronous service interface.
Each method is passed a ResponseDispatch object which must be used to return a response to the client. The example shows the response being sent inside the method body but this is not required. The method can save the input arguments, including the ResponseDispatch object, for another thread to handle.
Do not perform a long-running computation directly in the method body because this might cause the client to receive a timeout exception. Instead, queue the work to another thread. One approach for queueing work to another thread is to use an asynchronous bean.
- Create a composite file.
For example, create an SCA OASIS composite that defines an implementation.java component which uses the implementation StockQuoteImpl class:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <composite xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200912" targetNamespace="http://www.example.com" name="StockQuoteComposite"> <component name="StockQuoteComponent"> <implementation.java class="broker.impl.StockQuoteImpl"/> </component> </composite>Asynchronous services must use the binding.sca binding type because it is the only binding that supports asynchronous invocation. However, binding.sca is the default binding so we do not need to include it in the composite file.
Develop an asynchronous SCA client to run an SCA service.
Develop asynchronous SCA services and clients
Develop asynchronous SCA clients
Configure the SCA default binding
API documentation